DAMTP Jubilee Celebration and Reunion Event
Wednesday, 23 September to Friday, 25 September 2009
2009 will be the 50th anniversary of DAMTP which was founded under the Headship of the late Professor George Batchelor in 1959.
We invite all those who have been research students, postdocs, academic staff and/or friends of the Department over the last 50 years to join us at a Celebration and Reunion Event to mark this Jubilee of DAMTP.
The Event will be held at the Centre for Mathematical Sciences and will include an evening Welcome Reception on Wednesday 23rd September, a Dinner in King's College on the 24th September, and lectures on 24th and 25th by distinguished alumni and current members of the Department, all providing the opportunity to meet old friends and colleagues.
We hope that many former members of the Department, particularly former research students, will be able to attend.
Please address any questions about the Jubilee Event to Carrolle Jamieson (E-mail: jubilee@damtp.cam.ac.uk Telephone No:01223-760 533)
Wednesday 23rd September:
Evening Drinks Reception at Centre for Mathematical Sciences
Thursday 24th September:
MR2 Centre for Mathematical Sciences
11:30: Individual and Collective Behaviour In Suspensions Of Swimming Micro-Organisms
Professor Timothy Pedley FRS (G I Taylor Professor of Fluid Mechanics since 1996, PhD DAMTP 1966)
14:30: The Wind in the Willows: how Environmental Fluid Mechanics informs Climate Science
Professor Stephen Belcher (Head of School of Mathematics, Meteorology and Physics, University of Reading, PhD DAMTP 1990)
15:30: Disease Dynamics: From Equation To Experiment (And Back)
Dr Julia Gog (University Lecturer in DAMTP since 2006)
17:00: Lecture by Professor Stephen Hawking FRS, CBE, CH (Entry to this lecture will be by ticket only)
Dinner at King's College
(Speakers: Professor Alison Richard, Vice-Chancellor University of Cambridge, Professor Keith Moffatt FRS, Head of DAMTP 1983-91, Revd John Polkinghorne KBE FRS, Professor of Mathematical Physics in DAMTP 1968-79)
Friday 25th September:
MR2 Centre for Mathematical Sciences
10:00: Slow Viscous Flows Informed By Modern Microscopy Methods: From Batchelor to Blood to Biofilms
Professor Howard Stone (Donald R. Dixon '69 and Elizabeth W. Dixon Professor in Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering at Princeton, NATO Postdoctoral Fellow DAMTP 1988-89)
11:30: Fun With Extra Dimensions
Professor Ruth Gregory (Department of Mathematical Sciences, University of Durham, PhD DAMTP 1988)
14:00: Integrability, Medical Imaging and Boundary Value Problems
Professor Thanasis Fokas (Professor of Nonlinear Mathematical Science since 2002)
15:00: Searching for New Physics at the Large Hadron Collider
Dr Ben Allanach (Reader in Theoretical Physics in DAMTP since 2007)
Please complete and return the form below by 31st August 2009 to reserve a place. There will be a registration fee of £75 to cover all Event expenses including catering.
2009 will also be celebrated as the 800th Anniversary of the University of Cambridge. The DAMTP Jubilee Event immediately precedes the 2009 University Alumni Weekend, which will be a special one in this 800th Anniversary year.
If you are attending the Jubilee Event and need accommodation, you may find the following links useful:
DAMTP Jubilee Fund
Whether or not you are able to attend the Jubilee Event, you may like to contribute to the DAMTP Jubilee Fund that we have established. The purpose of this Fund will be to provide support for research students, who will be as vital for the future success of DAMTP as they have been in the past. The collegiate University has, of course, launched its own 800th Anniversary Campaign, and if you are contributing to this Campaign then you may wish to earmark your contribution, or part of it, to the DAMTP Jubilee Fund; we hope that you will indeed wish to do so. Details of how to contribute to the DAMTP Jubilee Fund.