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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

My research focuses on strongly interacting Quantum Field Theories (QFT), particularly on the phenomenology of Quantum Chromodynamics (QCD), the component of the Standard Model that describes the interactions between quarks and gluons. QCD is strongly coupled at low energies, resulting in interesting phenomena such as the confining of quarks and gluons into compact states called hadrons and the generation of the mass gap. Since the conventional perturbation theory methods cannot describe these effects, an alternative method is required.

One such method which has been instrumental over the last few decades is Lattice QCD. Replacing Minkowski spacetime with a finite-volume Euclidean lattice allows for numerical simulation of the theory which can then be related back to infinite-volume physics. Key to my work is the `Lüscher method’ which utilises finite-volume spectra to constrain hadronic scattering amplitudes. By studying these scattering amplitudes, stable hadrons and resonances can be identified and their properties such as their spin, mass and decay channels can be determined. 

Research Group

High Energy Physics

