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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics


  • 2023 - present: Postdoctoral Research Associate, DAMTP, University of Cambridge
  • 2019 - 2023: PhD Student, Institute of Astronomy, University of Cambridge



Quasi-periodic X-ray eruptions years after a nearby tidal disruption event
M Nicholl, DR Pasham, A Mummery, M Guolo, K Gendreau, GC Dewangan, EC Ferrara, R Remillard, C Bonnerot, J Chakraborty, A Hajela, VS Dhillon, AF Gillan, J Greenwood, ME Huber, A Janiuk, G Salvesen, SV Velzen, A Aamer, KD Alexander, CR Angus, Z Arzoumanian, K Auchettl, E Berger, TD Boer, Y Cendes, KC Chambers, T-W Chen, R Chornock, MD Fulton, H Gao, JH Gillanders, S Gomez, BP Gompertz, AC Fabian, J Herman, A Ingram, E Kara, T Laskar, A Lawrence, C-C Lin, TB Lowe, EA Magnier, R Margutti, SL McGee, P Minguez, T Moore, E Nathan, SR Oates, KC Patra, P Ramsden, V Ravi, EJ Ridley, X Sheng, SJ Smartt, KW Smith, S Srivastav, R Stein, HF Stevance, SGD Turner, RJ Wainscoat, J Weston, T Wevers, DR Young
The turbulent variability of accretion discs observed at high energies
A Mummery, SGD Turner
– Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
A new 2D stochastic methodology for simulating variable accretion discs: propagating fluctuations and epicyclic motion
SGD Turner, CS Reynolds
– Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Investigating the Theory of Propagating Fluctuations with Numerical Models of Stochastic Accretion Discs
SGD Turner, CS Reynolds
– Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Modelling the distributions of white dwarf atmospheric pollution: A low Mg abundance for accreted planetesimals?
SGD Turner, MC Wyatt
– Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society

Research Group





01223 760387