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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

Anna Breger is a senior postdoctoral researcher in the Cambridge Image Analysis Group at the DAMTP, University of Cambridge (UK) and a member of the global COVID-19 AIX-COVNET collaboration where she is focusing on research with X-Ray data. Moreover, she is holding the prestigious Hertha Firnberg fellowship funded by the Austrian Science Fund. With that she is leading the research project iDeal based at the Medical University of Vienna, focusing on image data visualisation and evaluation.

Her current main interests are applications of mathematical image processing in medical problems and beyond, including research on data representations, dimension reduction and image quality assessment.



A study of why we need to reassess full reference image quality assessment with medical images
A Breger, A Biguri, M Sabaté Landman, I Selby, N Amberg, E Brunner, J Gröhl, S Hatamikia, C Kerner, L Ning, S Dittmer, M Roberts, C Schoenlieb
– Journal of Imaging Informatics in Medicine
A Pipeline for Automated Quality Control of Chest Radiographs
IA Selby, E González Solares, A Breger, M Roberts, L Escudero Sánchez, J Babar, JHF Rudd, NA Walton, E Sala, C-B Schönlieb, JR Weir-McCall, AIX-COVNET Collaboration, members of the AIX-COVNET collaboration
– Radiology Artificial Intelligence
A Breger, M Roberts, J Rudd, C Schoenlieb, J Weir-McCall
– Arxiv
A study on the adequacy of common IQA measures for medical images
A Breger, C Karner, I Selby, J Gröhl, S Dittmer, E Lilley, J Babar, J Beckford, TR Else, TJ Sadler, S Shahipasand, A Thavakumar, M Roberts, C-B Schönlieb
– Springer Lecture Notes in Electrical Engineering, MICAD conference (2024)
visClust: A visual clustering algorithm based on orthogonal projections
A Breger, C Karner, M Ehler
– Pattern Recognition
Can Rule-Based Insights Enhance LLMs for Radiology Report Classification? Introducing the RadPrompt Methodology.
P Fytas, A Breger, I Selby, S Baker, S Shahipasand, A Korhonen
– Proceedings of the 23rd Workshop on Biomedical Natural Language Processing
Shortcut Learning: Reduced But Not Resolved
IA Selby, M Roberts, A Breger, JHF Rudd, JR Weir-McCall
– Radiology
A pipeline to further enhance quality, integrity and reusability of the NCCID clinical data
A Breger, I Selby, M Roberts, J Babar, E Gkrania-Klotsas, J Preller, L Escudero Sanchez, J Rudd, J Aston, J Weir-McCall, E Sala, C Schoenlieb
– Scientific Data
Navigating the development challenges in creating complex data systems.
S Dittmer, M Roberts, J Gilbey, A Biguri, I Selby, A Breger, M Thorpe, JR Weir-McCall, E Gkrania-Klotsas, A Korhonen, E Jefferson, G Langs, G Yang, H Prosch, J Stanczuk, J Tang, J Babar, L Escudero Sánchez, P Teare, M Patel, M Wassin, M Holzer, N Walton, P Lió, T Shadbahr, E Sala, J Preller, JHF Rudd, JAD Aston, CB Schönlieb
– Nat. Mac. Intell.
Deep learning based segmentation of brain tissue from diffusion MRI
F Zhang, A Breger, KIK Cho, L Ning, C-F Westin, LJ O'Donnell, O Pasternak
– Neuroimage
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Research Group

Cambridge Image Analysis

