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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics


Correction to: Global Well-Posedness for the Thermodynamically Refined Passively Transported Nonlinear Moisture Dynamics with Phase Changes
S Hittmeir, R Klein, J Li, ES Titi
– Journal of Nonlinear Science
On energy conservation for the hydrostatic Euler equations: an Onsager conjecture
DW Boutros, S Markfelder, ES Titi
– Calculus of Variations and Partial Differential Equations
On posterior consistency of data assimilation with Gaussian process priors: the 2D Navier-Stokes equations
R Nickl, ES Titi
Non-Uniqueness and Inadmissibility of the Vanishing Viscosity Limit of the Passive Scalar Transport Equation
L Huysmans, ES Titi
Global Well-Posedness for the Thermodynamically Refined Passively Transported Nonlinear Moisture Dynamics with Phase Changes
S Hittmeir, R Klein, J Li, ES Titi
– Journal of Nonlinear Science
On the incompressible limit of a strongly stratified heat conducting fluid
D Basarić, P Bella, E Feireisl, F Oschmann, ES Titi
– Journal of Mathematical Fluid Mechanics
Nonuniqueness of generalised weak solutions to the primitive and Prandtl equations
DW Boutros, S Markfelder, ES Titi
Rigorous justification of the hydrostatic approximation limit of viscous compressible flows
X Liu, ES Titi
Derivation of a generalized quasi-geostrophic approximation for inviscid flows in a channel domain: The fast waves correction
C Bardos, X Liu, ES Titi
Global Well-Posedness of the Primitive Equations of Large-Scale Ocean Dynamics with the Gent-McWilliams-Redi Eddy Parametrization Model
P Korn, ES Titi
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Research Group

Nonlinear Dynamical Systems




01223 337871