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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

My research focuses on the fluid dynamics of the ocean. I am particularly interested in ocean turbulence and mixing, ocean fronts and the surface boundary layer, and the impact of turbulence on micro-organisms. Recent work has uncovered a fascinating and poorly-understood collection of processes occurring at relatively small scales (<O(10km)) where the vertical motion is strong but stratification and the Earth's rotation are important factors. Since these motions are too small to be directly resolved by global ocean and climate models, understanding their impact on the structure and dynamics of the ocean is one of the most pressing topics in physical oceanography. Currently, I am studying the dynamics of upper ocean fronts, the turbulent boundary layer beneath melting ice shelves, stratified turbulence, and the influence of physical processes on biogeochemical dynamics. Please see my homepage (linked on the right) for more information.


Symmetric Instability, Inertial Oscillations, and Turbulence at the Gulf Stream Front
LN Thomas, JR Taylor, EA D'Asaro, CM Lee, JM Klymak, A Shcherbina
– Journal of Physical Oceanography
Numerical simulations of the equilibrium between eddy-induced restratification and vertical mixing
SD Bachman, JR Taylor
– Journal of Physical Oceanography
The intermittency boundary in stratified plane Couette flow
E Deusebio, CP Caulfield, JR Taylor
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
The LatMix Summer Campaign: Submesoscale Stirring in the Upper Ocean
AY Shcherbina, MA Sundermeyer, E Kunze, E D'Asaro, G Badin, D Birch, AMEG Brunner-Suzuki, J Callies, BT Kuebel Cervantes, M Claret, B Concannon, J Early, R Ferrari, L Goodman, RR Harcourt, JM Klymak, CM Lee, MP Lelong, MD Levine, RC Lien, A Mahadevan, JC McWilliams, MJ Molemaker, S Mukherjee, JD Nash, T Özgökmen, SD Pierce, S Ramachandran, RM Samelson, TB Sanford, RK Shearman, ED Skyllingstad, KS Smith, A Tandon, JR Taylor, EA Terray, LN Thomas, JR Ledwell
– Bulletin of the American Meteorological Society
Numerical simulations of the competition between wind-driven mixing and surface heating in triggering spring phytoplankton blooms
RM Enriquez, JR Taylor
– ICES Journal of Marine Science
The spontaneous generation of inertia-gravity waves during frontogenesis forced by large strain: Numerical solutions
CJ Shakespeare, JR Taylor
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Reduction of the usable wind-work on the general circulation by forced symmetric instability
LN Thomas, JR Taylor
– Geophysical Research Letters
Transient growth in strongly stratified shear layers
AK Kaminski, CP Caulfield, JR Taylor
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
The spontaneous generation of inertia-gravity waves during frontogenesis forced by large strain: Theory
CJ Shakespeare, JR Taylor
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Damping of inertial motions by parametric subharmonic instability in baroclinic currents
LN Thomas, JR Taylor
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
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Research Groups

Atmosphere-Ocean Dynamics
High-Reynolds-Number Fluid Flow




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