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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

Professor of Theoretical Physics, DAMTP
Fellow of Fitzwilliam College


  • Faculty: University of Cambridge, since 2006
  • Postdoctoral researcher: University of Washington, Ohio State University, Brookhaven National Laboratory
  • PhD student: University of Colorado
  • Undergraduate student: Muhlenberg College


Lattice QCD, quark flavour physics, strongly interacting fermions

Social media


Monte carlo study of a fermi gas with infinite scattering length
O Goulko, M Wingate
– Proceedings of Science
Form factors for rare B decays: Strategy, methodology, and numerical study
Z Liu, S Meinel, A Hart, RR Horgan, EH Müller, M Wingate
– Proceedings of Science
Bottom hadrons from lattice QCD with domain wall and NRQCD fermions
S Meinel, W Detmold, CJD Lin, M Wingate
– Proceedings of Science
Radiative corrections to the m(oving)NRQCD action and heavy-light operators
EH Müller, CTH Davies, A Hart, GM Von Hippel, RR Horgan, I Kendall, A Lee, S Meinel, C Monahan, M Wingate
– Proceedings of Science
Recent results on B mixing and decay constants from HPQCD
J Shigemitsu, C Davies, E Follana, E Gámiz, E Gregory, P Lepage, H Na, M Wingate
– Proceedings of Science
Flavor physics in the quark sector
M Antonelli, DM Asner, D Bauer, T Becher, M Beneke, AJ Bevan, M Blanke, C Bloise, M Bona, A Bondar, C Bozzi, J Brod, AJ Buras, N Cabibbo, A Carbone, G Cavoto, V Cirigliano, M Ciuchini, JP Coleman, DP Cronin-Hennessy, JP Dalseno, CH Davies, F Di Lodovico, J Dingfelder, Z Dolezal, S Donati, W Dungel, G Eigen, U Egede, R Faccini, T Feldmann, F Ferroni, JM Flynn, E Franco, M Fujikawa, IK Furić, P Gambino, E Gardi, TJ Gershon, S Giagu, E Golowich, T Goto, C Greub, C Grojean, D Guadagnoli, UA Haisch, RF Harr, AH Hoang, T Hurth, G Isidori, DE Jaffe, A Jüttner, S Jäger, A Khodjamirian, P Koppenburg, RV Kowalewski, P Krokovny, AS Kronfeld, J Laiho, G Lanfranchi, TE Latham, J Libby, A Limosani, D Lopes Pegna, CD Lu, V Lubicz, E Lunghi, VG Lüth, K Maltman, WJ Marciano, EC Martin, G Martinelli, F Martinez-Vidal, A Masiero, V Mateu, F Mescia, G Mohanty, M Moulson, M Neubert, H Neufeld, S Nishida, N Offen, M Palutan, P Paradisi, Z Parsa, E Passemar, M Patel, BD Pecjak, AA Petrov, A Pich, M Pierini, B Plaster, A Powell, S Prell, J Rademaker, M Rescigno, S Ricciardi, P Robbe, E Rodrigues, M Rotondo
– Physics Reports
Rare B decays with moving NRQCD and improved staggered quarks
S Meinel, EH Müller, L Khomskii, A Hart, RR Horgan, M Wingate
– Proceedings of Science
Moving NRQCD and $B \\to K^* \\gamma$
S Meinel, R Horgan, L Khomskii, LC Storoni, M Wingate
– Proceedings of The XXV International Symposium on Lattice Field Theory — PoS(LATTICE 2007)
Bs0-B̄s0 mixing parameters from unquenched lattice QCD
E Dalgic, A Gray, E Gamiz, CTH Davies, GP Lepage, J Shigemitsu, H Trottier, M Wingate
– Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Bs and Bd mixing in full lattice QCD using NRQCD b quarks
E Gámiz, CTH Davies, GP Lepage, J Shigemitsu, M Wingate
– Proceedings of Science
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Research Group

High Energy Physics




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