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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics


Light and Strange Vector Resonances from Lattice QCD at Physical Quark Masses
P Boyle, F Erben, V Gülpers, MT Hansen, F Joswig, M Marshall, N Pitanga Lachini, A Portelli
– Physical Review Letters
Physical-mass calculation of ρ(770) and K*(892) resonance parameters via ππ and Kπ scattering amplitudes from lattice QCD
P Boyle, F Erben, V Gülpers, MT Hansen, F Joswig, M Marshall, N Pitanga Lachini, A Portelli
– Physical Review D
Light and strange vector resonances from lattice QCD at physical quark masses
P Boyle, F Erben, V Gülpers, MT Hansen, F Joswig, NP Lachini, M Marshall, A Portelli
Physical-mass calculation of $ρ(770)$ and $K^*(892)$ resonance parameters via $ππ$ and $K π$ scattering amplitudes from lattice QCD
P Boyle, F Erben, V Gülpers, MT Hansen, F Joswig, NP Lachini, M Marshall, A Portelli
Towards $Kπ$ scattering with domain-wall fermions at the physical point using distillation
NP Lachini, P Boyle, F Erben, M Marshall, A Portelli
$K π$ scattering at physical pion mass using distillation
NP Lachini, P Boyle, F Erben, M Marshall, A Portelli

Research Group

High Energy Physics

