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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics

I work on theoretical problems in high energy, gravitational and condensed matter physics. An accessible overview of my research interests at the interface of these three fields can be found here. My publications can be found on Inspire, on the arXiv, and on Google Scholar. Videos of some of my talks and lectures can be found on YouTube. I wrote a book on Holographic Quantum Matter with MIT press.

A recent Quanta article gives a popular discussion of my work on aspects of quantum chaos close to spacetime singularities.

In 2021 I took up the 1967 Professorship of Mathematical Physics in DAMTP. This chair was first held by John Polkinghorne. I was previously on the faculty in the physics department at Stanford University for 10 years. Before that I did postdocs at the KITP in Santa Barbara and at Harvard University.

I was an undergraduate and graduate student at St John's College at the University of Cambridge, and then a Junior Research Fellow at Clare College, Cambridge. I rejoined Clare College as a Fellow in 2022.

I was awarded the New Horizons Prize in 2015 and a Presidential Early Career Award in 2013. I have been a Simons Investigator since 2019.


Research Groups

High Energy Physics
Relativity and Gravitation

