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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics


Modeling features in the redshift-space halo power spectrum with perturbation theory
S-F Chen, Z Vlah, M White
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Perturbative description of biased tracers using consistency relations of LSS
T Fujita, Z Vlah
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Prospects for fundamental physics with LISA
E Barausse, E Berti, T Hertog, SA Hughes, P Jetzer, P Pani, TP Sotiriou, N Tamanini, H Witek, K Yagi, N Yunes, T Abdelsalhin, A Achucarro, K van Aelst, N Afshordi, S Akcay, L Annulli, KG Arun, I Ayuso, V Baibhav, T Baker, H Bantilan, T Barreiro, C Barrera-Hinojosa, N Bartolo, D Baumann, E Belgacem, E Bellini, N Bellomo, I Ben-Dayan, I Bena, R Benkel, E Bergshoefs, L Bernard, S Bernuzzi, D Bertacca, M Besancon, F Beutler, F Beyer, S Bhagwat, J Bicak, S Biondini, S Bize, D Blas, C Boehmer, K Boller, B Bonga, C Bonvin, P Bosso, G Bozzola, P Brax, M Breitbach, R Brito, M Bruni, B Brügmann, H Bulten, A Buonanno, LM Burko, C Burrage, F Cabral, G Calcagni, C Caprini, A Cárdenas-Avendaño, M Celoria, K Chatziioannou, D Chernoff, K Clough, A Coates, D Comelli, G Compère, D Croon, D Cruces, G Cusin, C Dalang, U Danielsson, S Das, S Datta, J de Boer, V De Luca, C De Rham, V Desjacques, K Destounis, FD Filippo, A Dima, E Dimastrogiovanni, S Dolan, D Doneva, F Duque, R Durrer, W East, R Easther, M Elley, JR Ellis, R Emparan, JM Ezquiaga, M Fairbairn, S Fairhurst, HF Farmer, MR Fasiello, V Ferrari
– General Relativity and Gravitation
Consistent modeling of velocity statistics and redshift-space distortions in one-loop perturbation theory
S-F Chen, Z Vlah, M White
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
An EFT description of galaxy intrinsic alignments
Z Vlah, NE Chisari, F Schmidt
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Very massive tracers and higher derivative biases
T Fujita, V Mauerhofer, L Senatore, Z Vlah, R Angulo
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
The reconstructed power spectrum in the Zeldovich approximation
S-F Chen, Z Vlah, M White
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
On observables in a dark matter-clustering quintessence system
M Fasiello, Z Vlah
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Exploring redshift-space distortions in large-scale structure
Z Vlah, M White
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Theoretical systematics of Future Baryon Acoustic Oscillation Surveys
Z Ding, H-J Seo, Z Vlah, Y Feng, M Schmittfull, F Beutler
– Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
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Research Group

Relativity and Gravitation