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Researcher: Angelica Aviles-Rivero, and Carola-Bibiane Schönlieb

In real-world scenes, the conditions are often far from optimal, and photographs/videos have to be taken in which target objects are covered by atefacts appear in undesired places for example reflections or due bad weather conditions such as rain. This does not only affect amateur photography; such artefacts may also arise in documentation in museums and aquariums, or black-box cameras in cars, surveillance systems, among others. It is therefore unsurprising that the problem of how to remove reflection artefacts is of great interest, from both practical and theoretical points of view.

Jointly work with: Yale-NUS, NUS, Microsoft+AI, Shandong University and EPFL.

Related Publications 

Mirror, Mirror, on the Wall, Who’s Got the Clearest Image of Them All?—A Tailored Approach to Single Image Reflection Removal
D Heydecker, G Maierhofer, AI Aviles-Rivero, Q Fan, D Chen, C-B Schonlieb, S Susstrunk – IEEE Transactions on Image Processing (2019) 28, 6185
RainFlow: Optical Flow Under Rain Streaks and Rain Veiling Effect
R Li, R Tan, LF Cheong, A Aviles-Rivero, Q Fan, C Schoenlieb – 2019 IEEE/CVF INTERNATIONAL CONFERENCE ON COMPUTER VISION (ICCV 2019) (2019) 00, 7303