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2021-present: PhD student in Mathematics of Information, University of Cambridge, UK

2018-2021: M.Sc. in Computer Science, University of Siegen, Germany

2015-2018: B.Sc. in Computer Science, Baden-Württemberg Cooperative State University Mannheim, Germany


Christina is a PhD student at the Cambridge Image Analysis Group within the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics. She is also a member of the Cantab Capital Institute for the Mathematics of Information. Her current research focusses on deep learning and (medical) image analysis.


Training Data Reconstruction: Privacy due to Uncertainty?
C Runkel, KV Gandikota, J Geiping, C-B Schönlieb, M Moeller
Operator learning regularization for macroscopic permeability prediction in dual-scale flow problem
C Runkel, S Xiao, N Boullé, Y Chen
Continuous Learned Primal Dual
C Runkel, A Biguri, C-B Schönlieb
Continuous Learned Primal Dual
C Runkel, A Biguri, CB Schönlieb
– 2024 IEEE 34th International Workshop on Machine Learning for Signal Processing (MLSP)
Continuous U-Net: Faster, Greater and Noiseless
C-W Cheng, C Runkel, L Liu, RH Chan, C-B Schönlieb, AI Aviles-Rivero
Learning Posterior Distributions in Underdetermined Inverse Problems
C Runkel, M Moeller, CB Schönlieb, C Etmann
14009 LNCS,
Multi-Modal Hypergraph Diffusion Network with Dual Prior for Alzheimer Classification
AI Aviles-Rivero, C Runkel, N Papadakis, Z Kourtzi, C-B Schönlieb
– MICCAI 2022
Depthwise Separable Convolutions Allow for Fast and Memory-Efficient Spectral Normalization
C Runkel, C Etmann, M Möller, C-B Schönlieb
Exploiting the Logits: Joint Sign Language Recognition and Spell-Correction
C Runkel, S Dorenkamp, H Bauermeister, M Moeller
– 2020 25th International Conference on Pattern Recognition (ICPR)

Research Group

Cambridge Image Analysis




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