Planck 2013 results. XV. CMB power spectra and likelihood
PAR Ade, N Aghanim, C Armitage-Caplan, M Arnaud, M Ashdown, F Atrio-Barandela, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, AJ Banday, RB Barreiro, JG Bartlett, E Battaner, K Benabed, A Benoît, A Benoit-Lévy, JP Bernard, M Bersanelli, P Bielewicz, J Bobin, JJ Bock, A Bonaldi, L Bonavera, JR Bond, J Borrill, FR Bouchet, F Boulanger, M Bridges, M Bucher, C Burigana, RC Butler, E Calabrese, JF Cardoso, A Catalano, A Challinor, A Chamballu, HC Chiang, LY Chiang, PR Christensen, S Church, DL Clements, S Colombi, LPL Colombo, C Combet, F Couchot, A Coulais, BP Crill, A Curto, F Cuttaia, L Danese, RD Davies, RJ Davis, P De Bernardis, A De Rosa, G De Zotti, J Delabrouille, JM Delouis, FX Désert, C Dickinson, JM Diego, H Dole, S Donzelli, O Doré, M Douspis, J Dunkley, X Dupac, G Efstathiou, F Elsner, TA Enßlin, HK Eriksen, F Finelli, O Forni, M Frailis, AA Fraisse, E Franceschi, TC Gaier, S Galeotta, S Galli, K Ganga, M Giard, G Giardino, Y Giraud-Héraud, E Gjerløw, J González-Nuevo, KM Górski, S Gratton, A Gregorio, A Gruppuso, JE Gudmundsson, FK Hansen, D Hanson, D Harrison, G Helou, S Henrot-Versillé, C Hernández-Monteagudo, D Herranz, SR Hildebrandt, E Hivon, M Hobson, WA Holmes, A Hornstrup
– Astronomy & Astrophysics
Planck 2013 results. XXXI. Consistency of the Planck data
PAR Ade, M Arnaud, M Ashdown, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, AJ Banday, RB Barreiro, E Battaner, K Benabed, A Benoit-Lévy, JP Bernard, M Bersanelli, P Bielewicz, JR Bond, J Borrill, FR Bouchet, C Burigana, JF Cardoso, A Catalano, A Challinor, A Chamballu, HC Chiang, PR Christensen, DL Clements, S Colombi, LPL Colombo, F Couchot, A Coulais, BP Crill, A Curto, F Cuttaia, L Danese, RD Davies, RJ Davis, P De Bernardis, A De Rosa, G De Zotti, J Delabrouille, FX Désert, C Dickinson, JM Diego, H Dole, S Donzelli, O Doré, M Douspis, X Dupac, TA Enßlin, HK Eriksen, F Finelli, O Forni, M Frailis, AA Fraisse, E Franceschi, S Galeotta, K Ganga, M Giard, J González-Nuevo, KM Górski, S Gratton, A Gregorio, A Gruppuso, JE Gudmundsson, FK Hansen, D Hanson, DL Harrison, S Henrot-Versillé, D Herranz, SR Hildebrandt, E Hivon, M Hobson, WA Holmes, A Hornstrup, W Hovest, KM Huffenberger, AH Jaffe, TR Jaffe, WC Jones, E Keihänen, R Keskitalo, J Knoche, M Kunz, H Kurki-Suonio, G Lagache, A Lähteenmäki, JM Lamarre, A Lasenby, CR Lawrence, R Leonardi, J León-Tavares, J Lesgourgues, M Liguori, PB Lilje, M Linden-Vørnle, M López-Caniego, PM Lubin, JF Maciás-Pérez, D Maino, N Mandolesi, M Maris, PG Martin
– Astronomy & Astrophysics
Planck 2013 results. XVI. Cosmological parameters
PAR Ade, N Aghanim, C Armitage-Caplan, M Arnaud, M Ashdown, F Atrio-Barandela, J Aumont, C Baccigalupi, AJ Banday, RB Barreiro, JG Bartlett, E Battaner, K Benabed, A Benoît, A Benoit-Lévy, JP Bernard, M Bersanelli, P Bielewicz, J Bobin, JJ Bock, A Bonaldi, JR Bond, J Borrill, FR Bouchet, M Bridges, M Bucher, C Burigana, RC Butler, E Calabrese, B Cappellini, JF Cardoso, A Catalano, A Challinor, A Chamballu, RR Chary, X Chen, HC Chiang, LY Chiang, PR Christensen, S Church, DL Clements, S Colombi, LPL Colombo, F Couchot, A Coulais, BP Crill, A Curto, F Cuttaia, L Danese, RD Davies, RJ Davis, P De Bernardis, A De Rosa, G De Zotti, J Delabrouille, JM Delouis, FX Désert, C Dickinson, JM Diego, K Dolag, H Dole, S Donzelli, O Doré, M Douspis, J Dunkley, X Dupac, G Efstathiou, F Elsner, TA Enßlin, HK Eriksen, F Finelli, O Forni, M Frailis, AA Fraisse, E Franceschi, TC Gaier, S Galeotta, S Galli, K Ganga, M Giard, G Giardino, Y Giraud-Héraud, E Gjerløw, J González-Nuevo, KM Górski, S Gratton, A Gregorio, A Gruppuso, JE Gudmundsson, J Haissinski, J Hamann, FK Hansen, D Hanson, D Harrison, S Henrot-Versillé, C Hernández-Monteagudo, D Herranz, SR Hildebrandt, E Hivon, M Hobson
– Astronomy & Astrophysics
Path integral for stochastic inflation: Nonperturbative volume weighting, complex histories, initial conditions, and the end of inflation
S Gratton
– Physical Review D
Graphics card computing for cosmology: Cholesky Factorization
S Gratton
– 2010 10th IEEE International Conference on Computer and Information Technology
910 5547,
Impact of Galactic polarized emission on B-mode detection at low multipoles
G Efstathiou, S Gratton, F Paci
– Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
B-mode detection with an extended planck mission
G Efstathiou, S Gratton
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Prospects for constraining neutrino mass using Planck and Lyman-αforest data
S Gratton, A Lewis, G Efstathiou
– Physical Review D
Cosmic perturbations through the cyclic ages
JK Erickson, S Gratton, PJ Steinhardt, N Turok
– Physical Review D
Hurdles for recent measures in eternal inflation
A Aguirre, S Gratton, MC Johnson
– Physical Review D