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  • Currently displaying 1141 - 1160 of 2182 publications
A scalar field condensation instability of rotating Anti-de Sitter black holes
OJC Dias, R Monteiro, HS Reall, JE Santos
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Anyons from Strings
L Mezincescu, PK Townsend
– Physical Review Letters
Numerical relativity for D dimensional space-times: Head-on collisions of black holes and gravitational wave extraction
H Witek, M Zilhão, L Gualtieri, V Cardoso, C Herdeiro, A Nerozzi, U Sperhake
– Physical Review D
The black hole stability problem for linear scalar perturbations
M Dafermos, I Rodnianski
– Arxiv preprint arXiv:1010.5137
Decay for solutions of the wave equation on Kerr exterior spacetimes I-II: The cases| a|<< M or axisymmetry
M Dafermos, I Rodnianski
– Arxiv preprint arXiv:1010.5132
Exploring intermediate and massive black-hole binaries with the Einstein Telescope
JR Gair, I Mandel, MC Miller, M Volonteri
– General Relativity and Gravitation
On the relevance of gravitational self-force corrections on parameter estimation errors for extreme-mass-ratio inspirals
EA Huerta, JR Gair
Generalization of the Geroch?Held?Penrose formalism to higher dimensions
M Durkee, V Pravda, A Pravdova, HS Reall
– Classical and Quantum Gravity
Cosmic string power spectrum, bispectrum, and trispectrum
DM Regan, EPS Shellard
– Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Momentum flow in black-hole binaries. II. Numerical simulations of equal-mass, head-on mergers with antiparallel spins
G Lovelace, Y Chen, M Cohen, JD Kaplan, D Keppel, KD Matthews, DA Nichols, MA Scheel, U Sperhake
– Physical Review D
M Dunajski, M Godlinski
– The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
M Dunajski, M Godlinski
– The Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Planck pre-launch status: The Planck mission
JA Tauber, N Mandolesi, JL Puget, T Banos, M Bersanelli, FR Bouchet, RC Butler, J Charra, G Crone, J Dodsworth, G Efstathiou, R Gispert, G Guyot, A Gregorio, JJ Juillet, JM Lamarre, RJ Laureijs, CR Lawrence, HU Norgaard-Nielsen, T Passvogel, JM Reix, D Texier, L Vibert, A Zacchei, PAR Ade, N Aghanim, B Aja, E Alippi, L Aloy, P Armand, M Arnaud, A Arondel, A Arreola-Villanueva, E Artal, E Artina, A Arts, M Ashdown, J Aumont, M Azzaro, A Bacchetta, C Baccigalupi, M Baker, M Balasini, A Balbi, AJ Banday, G Barbier, RB Barreiro, M Bartelmann, P Battaglia, E Battaner, K Benabed, JL Beney, R Beneyton, K Bennett, A Benoit, JP Bernard, P Bhandari, R Bhatia, M Biggi, R Biggins, G Billig, Y Blanc, H Blavot, JJ Bock, A Bonaldi, R Bond, J Bonis, J Borders, J Borrill, L Boschini, F Boulanger, J Bouvier, M Bouzit, R Bowman, E Breelle, T Bradshaw, M Braghin, M Bremer, D Brienza, D Broszkiewicz, C Burigana, M Burkhalter, P Cabella, T Cafferty, M Cairola, S Caminade, P Camus, CM Cantalupo, B Cappellini, JF Cardoso, R Carr, A Catalano, L Cayon, M Cesa, M Chaigneau, A Challinor, A Chamballu, JP Chambelland, M Charra, LY Chiang, G Chlewicki, PR Christensen, S Church, E Ciancietta, M Cibrario, R Cizeron, D Clements, B Collaudin, JM Colley, S Colombi, A Colombo, F Colombo, O Corre, F Couchot, B Cougrand, A Coulais, P Couzin, B Crane, B Crill, M Crook, D Crumb, F Cuttaia, U Dorl, P da Silva, R Daddato, C Damasio, L Danese, G d'Aquino, O D'Arcangelo, K Dassas, RD Davies, W Davies, RJ Davis, P De Bernardis, D de Chambure, G de Gasperis, ML De la Fuente, P De Paco, A De Rosa, G De Troia, G De Zotti, M Dehamme, J Delabrouille, JM Delouis, FX Desert, G di Girolamo, C Dickinson, E Doelling, K Dolag, I Domken, M Douspis, D Doyle, S Du, D Dubruel, C Dufour, C Dumesnil, X Dupac, P Duret, C Eder, A Elfving, TA Ensslin, P Eng, K English, HK Eriksen, P Estaria, MC Falvella, F Ferrari, F Finelli, A Fishman, S Fogliani, S Foley, A Fonseca, G Forma, O Forni, P Fosalba, JJ Fourmond, M Frailis, C Franceschet, E Franceschi, S Francois, M Frerking, MF Gomez-Renasco, KM Gorski, TC Gaier, S Galeotta, K Ganga, JG Lazaro, E Gavila, M Giard, G Giardino, G Gienger, Y Giraud-Heraud, JM Glorian, M Griffin, A Gruppuso, L Guglielmi, D Guichon, B Guillaume, P Guillouet, J Haissinski, FK Hansen, J Hardy, D Harrison, A Hazell, M Hechler, V Heckenauer, D Heinzer, R Hell, S Henrot-Versille, C Hernandez-Monteagudo, D Herranz, JM Herreros, V Hervier, A Heske, A Heurtel, SR Hildebrandt, R Hills, E Hivon, M Hobson, D Hollert, W Holmes, A Hornstrup, W Hovest, RJ Hoyland, G Huey, KM Huffenberger, N Hughes, U Israelsson, B Jackson, A Jaffe, TR Jaffe, T Jagemann, NC Jessen, J Jewell, W Jones, M Juvela, J Kaplan, P Karlman, F Keck, E Keihanen, M King, TS Kisner, P Kletzkine, R Kneissl, J Knoche, L Knox, T Koch, M Krassenburg, H Kurki-Suonio, A Lahteenmaki, G Lagache, E Lagorio, P Lami, J Lande, A Lange, F Langlet, R Lapini, M Lapolla, A Lasenby, M Le Jeune, JP Leahy, M Lefebvre, F Legrand, G Le Meur, R Leonardi, B Leriche, C Leroy, P Leutenegger, SM Levin, PB Lilje, C Lindensmith, M Linden-Vornle, A Loc, Y Longval, PM Lubin, T Luchik, I Luthold, JF Macias-Perez, T Maciaszek, C MacTavish, S Madden, B Maffei, C Magneville, D Maino, A Mambretti, B Mansoux, D Marchioro, M Maris, F Marliani, JC Marrucho, J Marti-Canales, E Martinez-Gonzalez, A Martin-Polegre, P Martin, C Marty, W Marty, S Masi, M Massardi, S Matarrese, F Matthai, P Mazzotta, A McDonald, P McGrath, A Mediavilla, R Meinhold, JB Melin, F Melot, L Mendes, A Mennella, C Mervier, L Meslier, M Miccolis, MA Miville-Deschenes, A Moneti, D Montet, L Montier, J Mora, G Morgante, G Morigi, G Morinaud, N Morisset, D Mortlock, S Mottet, J Mulder, D Munshi, A Murphy, P Murphy, P Musi, J Narbonne, P Naselsky, A Nash, F Nati, P Natoli, B Netterfield, J Newell, M Nexon, C Nicolas, PH Nielsen, N Ninane, F Noviello, D Novikov, I Novikov, IJ O'Dwyer, P Oldeman, P Olivier, L Ouchet, CA Oxborrow, L Perez-Cuevas, L Pagan, C Paine, F Pajot, R Paladini, F Pancher, J Panh, G Parks, P Parnaudeau, B Partridge, B Parvin, JP Pascual, F Pasian, DP Pearson, T Pearson, M Pecora, O Perdereau, L Perotto, F Perrotta, F Piacentini, M Piat, E Pierpaoli, O Piersanti, E Plaige, S Plaszczynski, P Platania, E Pointecouteau, G Polenta, N Ponthieu, L Popa, G Poulleau, T Poutanen, G Prezeau, L Pradell, M Prina, S Prunet, JP Rachen, D Rambaud, F Rame, I Rasmussen, J Rautakoski, WT Reach, R Rebolo, M Reinecke, J Reiter, C Renault, S Ricciardi, P Rideau, T Riller, I Ristorcelli, JB Riti, G Rocha, Y Roche, R Pons, R Rohlfs, D Romero, S Roose, C Rosset, S Rouberol, M Rowan-Robinson, JA Rubino-Martin, P Rusconi, B Rusholme, M Salama, E Salerno, M Sandri, D Santos, JL Sanz, L Sauter, F Sauvage, G Savini, M Schmelzel, A Schnorhk, W Schwarz, D Scott, MD Seiffert, P Shellard, C Shih, M Sias, JI Silk, R Silvestri, R Sippel, GF Smoot, JL Starck, P Stassi, J Sternberg, F Stivoli, V Stolyarov, R Stompor, L Stringhetti, D Strommen, T Stute, R Sudiwala, R Sugimura, R Sunyaev, JF Sygnet, M Turler, E Taddei, J Tallon, C Tamiatto, M Taurigna, D Taylor, L Terenzi, S Thuerey, J Tillis, G Tofani, L Toffolatti, E Tommasi, M Tomasi, E Tonazzini, JP Torre, S Tosti, F Touze, M Tristram, J Tuovinen, M Tuttlebee, G Umana, L Valenziano, D Vallee, M van der Vlis, F Van Leeuwen, JC Vanel, B Van-Tent, J Varis, E Vassallo, C Vescovi, F Vezzu, D Vibert, P Vielva, J Vierra, F Villa, N Vittorio, C Vuerli, LA Wade, AR Walker, BD Wandelt, C Watson, D Werner, M White, SDM White, A Wilkinson, P Wilson, A Woodcraft, B Yoffo, M Yun, V Yurchenko, D Yvon, B Zhang, O Zimmermann, A Zonca, D Zorita
– Astronomy & Astrophysics
Dilaton and modified gravity
P Brax, C van de Bruck, AC Davis, D Shaw
– Physical Review D
Preheating in Dirac-Born-Infeld inflation
N Bouatta, AC Davis, RH Ribeiro, D Seery
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
On the thermodynamics of moving bodies
JG Russo, PK Townsend
– Classical and Quantum Gravity
Deforming the Maxwell-Sim algebra
GW Gibbons, J Gomis, CN Pope
– Physical Review D
Primordial Non-Gaussianity and Bispectrum Measurements in the Cosmic Microwave Background and Large-Scale Structure
M Liguori, E Sefusatti, JR Fergusson, EPS Shellard
– Advances in Astronomy
Massive black holes lurking in Milky Way satellites
S Van Wassenhove, M Volonteri, MG Walker, JR Gair
– Monthly Notices of the Royal Astronomical Society
Symmetries of the Dirac operator with skew-symmetric torsion
T Houri, D Kubiznak, C Warnick, Y Yasui
– Classical and Quantum Gravity