The CICS is a seminar series (twice per academic term) between the mathematics departments of Cambridge and Imperial. Each meeting hosts PhD student talks from both departments on any aspect of computational mathematics, as well as a distinguished plenary speaker. The goal is to strengthen ties between the departments and give students a space to showcase their ideas and research, whilst learning about the broad array of computational topics studied at Cambridge and Imperial.
If you want to give a talk (25+5 mins), please get in contact:
Matthew Colbrook (Cambridge, email: m.colbrook@damtp.cam.ac.uk)
Timon Gutleb (Imperial, email: t.gutleb18@imperial.ac.uk)
We also cover travel expenses for those speaking. We encourage PhD students at all stages of their PhD to give talks on their research.
Due to the current situation with coronavirus we have had to postpone meetings until further notice. If you would like to give a talk in the future, please do still get in touch.