Acta Numerica |
Since its inception in 1992, I am the Managing Editor of Acta Numerica, an annual volume, published by Cambridge University Press, featuring commissioned substantive review articles on new and important developments in numerical mathematics. It is fair to say that Acta Numerica is a leading resource on developments in computational mathematics and scientific computing. |
Transactions of Mathematics and its Applications |
Transactions of Mathematics and its Applications is a new Open Access journal, published by Institute of Mathematics and its Applications and Oxford University Press from January 2017. Its ambition is to become the first-ever prime journal in all areas of Applied Mathematics. I am the Editor-in-Chief, assisted by a very distinguish group of editors. |
IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis |
The IMA Journal of Numerical Analysis, published by Oxford University Press on behalf of Institute of Mathematics and its Applications, and of which I am (together with Endre Suli) an Editor-in-Chief, publishes quality papers in all areas of numerical analysis. |
Foundations of Computational Mathematics |
Published by Springer Verlag on behalf of the Society for Foundations of Computational Mathematics, Foundations of Computational Mathematics is devoted to top-quality papers in foundational themes in computational mathematics. Having been for six years one of the two Managing Editors, I am now an Editor. |
Forum of Mathematics: Sigma |
Forum of Mathematics is a new all-electronic open access family of journals published by Cambridge University Press: Forum of Mathematics Π intends to publish the absolutely top papers throughout mathematics, while Forum of Mathematics Σ is a cluster of more specialised journals and the idea is that they should be as good as any throughout mathematics. I am an Editor of FoM Sigma and, together with Doug Arnold and Nick Higham, form the editorial team of its Computational Mathematics Cluster. |
Numerische Mathematik |
Numerische Mathematik is published by Springer Verlag. It is one of the cutting-edge journals in numerical mathematics. I am an Editor. |
Journal of Geometric Mechanics |
I am an Editor of Journal of Geometric Mechanics, published by American Institute of Mathematical Sciences and devoted to the many exciting developments in geometric mechanics and computational differential geometry. |
Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications |
I am an Editor of Journal of Fourier Analysis and Applications, reflecting my growing interest in aspects of harmonic analysis in computation and applications, a subject area with so many exciting contemporary developments. |
Calcolo |
I am an Editor of Calcolo, published by Springer Verlag, the journal of the Italian numerical analysis community. |
SeMA Journal |
The SeMA Journal, published by Springer Verlag on behalf of Sociedad Española de Mathemática Aplicada, is the main Spanish numerical journal. I am an Editor. |