Solar Plasma Spectroscopy: Achievements And Future Challenges
DAMTP, University of Cambridge, 13-15 September 2010
Session A (Introduction and Historical Perspective)
- Giulio Del Zanna - Introduction to the meeting (video)
- Peter Haynes - Welcome (video)
- George Doschek - High Resolution X-ray and UV Solar Spectroscopy: Past
Achievements and Future Directions (pdf) (video)
Peter Young - UV spectroscopy in the SOHO era. (pdf)
Session B (UV and X-ray Observations)
Len Culhane - The Role of XUV and Soft X-ray Observations in Understanding the
Solar Corona. (pdf)
Leon Golub - Observing the EUV Sun: How Far Have We Come ?
Enrico Landi - Plasma diagnostics of a CME associated current sheet.
Fabio Reale - Coronal Fuzzines modeled with pulse-heated multi-stranded loop
system. (pdf)
Laurent Dolla - On the nature of the spectral line broadening in solar coronal
dimmings. (pdf)
Louise Harra - Using spectroscopy to understand the source of coronal mass
ejections. (pdf)
Session C (UV and X-ray Diagnostics)
Alan Gabriel - Atomic Spectroscopy and the Solar Atmosphere; a fruitful
partnership. (pdf)
Ken Phillips - Importance of iron in solar physics.
Ken Dere - The CHIANTI atomic database. (pdf)
Elena Dzifcakova - Can kappa-distributions explain observed intensities of Si III lines in
the transition region ? (pdf)
Jaroslav Dudik - The effect of non-thermal distributions on coronal radiative losses.
Session D (Atomic and Laboratory Physics)
Carole Jordan - New line identifications in solar and stellar spectra between 1300
and 1400 A
Nigel Badnell - Atomic Processes for Astrophysical Plasmas.
Hugh Summers - Population structure of atoms and ions in plasmas.
Tetsuya Watanabe - Iron Line Diagnostics of Non-Equilibrium Plasma in Solar and
Laboratory Plasmas. (pdf)
Peter Storey - Excitation of the Fe XIV spectrum in the Sun, stars and Seyfert
galaxies; reconciling theory, observations and experiment.
Jacques Dubau - Atomic data for non-thermal electron excitation of coronal ions.
Brian Fawcett - Some foundations for classification of spectra of highly ionized
atoms and their impact on collision physics. (pdf)
Giulio Del Zanna - Benchmarking atomic data for astrophysical applications.
Claudio Mendoza - VAMDC: atomic data production, curation, management and
preservation in data-intensive e-science.
Session E (Solar Atmosphere: From the Photosphere to the Corona)
Alan Hood - Flux Emergence.
Amy Winebarger - Steady Heating Model of an Active Region Core.
Petr Heinzel - Non-thermal Collisional Processes in Solar Flares.
Celine Boutry - Magnetic topology around a downflow towards AR10943: a largescale
flow from AR10942 ?
Valentina Zharkova - Non-thermal effects in H-alpha emission observed in flare 25 July
2004. (pdf)
Session F (Flares and Coronal Heating)
James Klimchuk - Why We Need Spectroscopy to Solve the Coronal Heating Problem ?
Lyndsay Fletcher - Solar flare particle acceleration - a spectroscopic viewpoint.
Hugh Hudson - The optical and UV continuum in the impulsive phase.
Costis Gontikakis - Study of a microflare observed with SUMER presenting resonant
scattering in the C IV 1548, 1550 lines.
Giota Petkaki - Anomalous resistivity in solar and space plasmas.
Urmila Mitra Kraev - Solar flare observations.
Session G (Coronal Loops)
Susanna Parenti - Coronal Loops Observations.
Stephen Bradshaw - Non-equilibrium process in the Solar Corona.
Robert Walsh - Multi-thread loop modelling and observed red-shift downflows.
Dipankar Banerjee - Propagating waves within coronal loops.
Vincenzo Andretta - Physical structure of solar cool loops.
Durgesh Tripathi - Using Active Region Moss to Examine Heating in Hot Core Loops.
Brendan O'Dwyer - SDO/AIA response to coronal hole, quiet Sun, active region and flare
plamsa. (pdf)
Caroline Alexander - Coronal loop analysis with combined Hinode and SDO observations.
Nicholeen Viall - Heating of Coronal Loops: Comparing SDO light curves with
nanoflare heating models. (pdf)
Sergio Terzo - Single-filter temperature diagnostics of an active region observed
with Hinode/XRT. (pdf)
Roberto Susino - EUV spectal lines properties in impulsively heated multi-stranded
coronal loops. (pdf)
Moisey Livshits - Multi-temperature model for post-eruptive coronal loops observed at
the EUV-range and microwaves.
Session H (Future Challenges)
Leon Golub - SDO
Richard Harrison - Solar Orbiter. (pdf)
- Rajmal Jain -
X-ray Diagnostics of Fe and Fe/Ni line
Features seen during Solar Flares
Simon Bandler - High Spectral Resolution, High Cadence, Imaging X-ray
Microcalorimeters for Solar Physics. (pdf)
Peter Young - Conference summary and discussion
Durgesh Tripathi - Closing remarks
Daniel Wolf Savin
- Title: Ionization and Recombination Measurements at the Heidelberg Heavy Ion Storage Ring TSR
Randall Smith
- Title: X-ray Diagnostics of Solar Plasmas from a Broadband Imaging High-Resolution Spectrometer
Nicolas Labrosse
- Title: EUV lines observed by EIS/Hinode in a solar prominence
Nicolas Labrosse
- Title: Prominence plasma diagnostic with EIS/Hinode
Alena Kulinova
- Title: Diagnostics of non-thermal electron distributions in solar flares from RESIK and RHESSI spectra
Guiyun Liang
- Title: Calculation and application of R-matrix electron-impact excitation data
Jean-Claude Vial
- Title: Is there something wrong with the conventional Transition Region ?
Michael Hahn
- Title: Properties of the Solar Corona above a Polar Coronal Hole during the Solar Minimum in 2007
Stanislav Gunar
- Title: Prominence fine structures and corresponding differential emission
Jaroslav Dudik
- Title: On the modelling of the active region EUV and X-Ray emission
Valentina Zharkova
- Title: On diagnostics of electron beams from HXR and polariation emission from precipitation models with
electric field
Petr Heinzel
- Title: EUV and X-ray Diagnostics of Prominences and Their Cavities
Giulio Del Zanna