Summer School: `Dynamical MHD Phenomena in Solar
and Astrophysical Plasmas' 22 June-3 July, 1998
Fodele Beach Hotel
and Conference Center (near
This is one of the many unofficial sites.
Link to
the OFFICIAL site.
This is the official picture of the school, taken the second week.
Most of the participants are there, but others were gone already,
some were asleep or at the beach at the time......

This is the list of the participants, as distributed at the school.
Please let me know:
if I made any mistakes in compiling this list.
Help me to complete it, with the missing home-page addresses.
I removed the e-mail addresses to help reduce the spam-emails problem.
Kanaris Tsinganos
U. of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
Here is the Home page
of the organiser of the school. Thanks to him from all of us !
Ester Antonucci U.Torino, Italy
Robert Bentley UCL, London, UK
Ioannis Contopoulos, U. of Crete, Heraklion, Greece
Antonio Ferriz-Mas
Home page
G. Field, Harvard, Cambridge,MA,USA
Marcel Goossens, KU Leuven, Belgium
Jean Heyvaerts, Strasbourg, France
Alan Hood, St. Andrews, Scotland,UK
Home page
Moira Jardine, St. Andrews, Scotland,UK
Menas Kafatos, Fairfax, VA, USA
Yu-Qing Lou, Chicago, USA
Giannina Poletto, Florence, Italy
Robert Rosner, Chicago, USA
Christophe Sauty
Karl Schindler, Germany
Prasad Subramanian
Home page
Edoardo Trussoni, Torino, Italy
Gordon Petrie, St. Andrews, Scotland,UK
Home page
Graham Richard Pointer, St. Andrews, Scotland,UK
Home page
Ineke De Moortel, St. Andrews, Scotland,UK
Home page
Keith Bennet, St. Andrews, Scotland,UK
Home page
Gordon Fischbacher, U.Strathclide, Glasgow, UK
Robert Lowe, QMW, London,UK
Home page
Dorian Clack, Imperial College, London, UK
Mattew Taylor, Imperial College, London, UK
Stephen John Brooks, Newcastle, UK
Home page.
Sarah Tanner, Leeds, UK
Neale Ranns, UCL, UK
Ioannis Tsamis, UCL, UK
Alberto Bigazzi, Newcastle, UK
Home page. Funny !
The best unofficial site of the school.....
Susanna Parenti, UCLAN, UK
Giulio Del Zanna, UCLAN, UK
My home page.
Eurico Covas, QMWC, London,UK
Home page. Cool !
Some images of the School will be available here...
Stephen O'Sullivan, Dublin, Ireland
Luca Teriaca, Armagh, N.Ireland
Home page.
Iolanda Cuseri, Florence, Italy
Lisa Maccari, Florence, Italy
Home page.
Luca Del Zanna, Florence, Italy
Home page.
Rita Betta, Palermo, Italy
Leonardo Primavera, U.Calabria, Italy
Home page.
Innocenza Busa, Catania, Italy
Home page.
Some images of the School...
Cornelia Estel, Potsdam, Germany
Brigitta von Rekowsky, Potsdam, Germany
Home Page
(All people at AIP can be found at
this page )
Axel Settele, Potsdam, Germany
Home page
Peter Hackenberg, Potsdam, Germany
Matthias von Rekowski, Potsdam, Germany
Home page
Rainer Arlt, Potsdam, Germany
Home page
Volkmar Holzwarth, Freiburg, Germany
Matthias Rempel, Wieda, Germany
Diaa Gad El-Mawla, Heidelberg, Germany
Home page
Jean-Mark Delouis, Meudon, France
Roch Smets, Velizy, France
Chadi Salem, Meudon, France
Arnaud Masson, Orleans, France
Nektarios Vlahakis, Heraklion, Greece
Manolis Xilouris, Heraklion, Greece
Konstantina Manolakou, Thessaloniki, Greece
Home page
Eugenia Christopoulou, U.Ioannina, Greece
Alexandros Georgakilas, Athens, Greece
Zaharenia Romeou, Patras, Greece
George Exarhos, Athens, Greece
Ioanna Tsaggouri, Athens, Greece
Georgia Vlastou, Heraklion, Greece
Inigo Arregi Uribe-Etxeberria, Tenerife, Spain
Jaume Terradas Calafell, Palma, Spain
Angel J. Gomez, Tenerife, Spain
Paulo Jorge Soares Gil, Lisboa, Portugal
Leandro Machado, Porto, Portugal
Anik De Groof, Leuven, Belgium
Arpad Csik, Leuven, Belgium
Astrid Veronig, Graz, Austria
Werner Schaffenberger, Graz, Austria
M. Petteri Heikkinen, Oulou, Finland
Maarit Korpi, Oulou, Finland
Home Page
Bart van der Holst, Nieuwegein, The Netherlands
Vasilis Archontis, Copenhagen, Denmark
Home page
...As you can see this Summer school attracted many people from all over
Europe. We all really had good time.
Prof. Kanaris told us in the introductory talk that the idea was to have
a summer school in a relaxed atmosphere...... well, guess how we followed
the advice...........
most of the free time we had we spent it
on the beach just few steps
down outside
During they day the schedule was very tight, with lectures, baths,
coffe breaks.... but finally at the end of the day we could
relax and enjoy
outside under a blue sky and with the
nice view of the bay ...
Do you realize that we haven't seen a single cloud in two weeks ?
Now, some of the lectures were attended by so
many people
that showed such an enthusiasm.....
that was difficult to find some time to take some pictures
at sunset.
Finally, Saturday we had the whole day free, and we went
for an
I will add some more images of the School, if I have time ......
Last update Feb 21-2003
Back to my home page.