The Structure and Evolution of a Sigmoidal
Active Region
Gibson, S. E., Fletcher, L., Del Zanna, G., Pike, C. D., Mason, H. E.,
Mandrini, C. H., Démoulin, P., Gilbert, H., Burkepile, J., Holzer, T.,
Alexander, D., Liu, Y., Nitta, N., Qiu, J., Schmieder, B., & Thompson, B. J.
Astrophysical Journal, 574, 1021-1038
This is a colour version of the paper - Courtesy of Sarah Gibson
This paper summarizes some observations of an
active region multi-wavelength campaign to study sigmoids.
solar corona in cycle 23
Fludra, A., Ireland, J., del Zanna, G., & Thompson, W. T. 2002, Advances in
Space Research
Solar and stellar high-resolution X-ray spectra.
Plasma diagnostics with the CHIANTI atomic database.
Del Zanna, G., and Mason, H.E., 2001,
Proc. of the 35th ESLAB Symposium,
PASP Conf. Ser., F. Favata and J. Drake eds.
Solar EUV spectroscopic observations
with SOHO/CDS. I. An in-flight calibration study
Del Zanna, G., Bromage, B. J. I., Landi, E. & Landini, M. 2001, A&A 379, 708-734
The above is the version with the colour figures
Here is the link to ADS
Element abundances of the low corona as derived from SOHO/CDS
Solar and Galactic Composition, AIP Conf. Proc., 598, 59
Coronal and Solar Wind Elemental Abundances
J. C. Raymond, J. E. Mazur, F. Allegrini,E. Antonucci, G. Del Zanna et al.
Solar and Galactic Composition, AIP Conf. Proc., 598, 49
CHIANTI-An Atomic Database for Emission Lines. IV. Extension to X-Ray Wavelengths
Dere, K. P., Landi, E., Young, P. R. & Del Zanna, G. 2001, ApJS 134, 331-354
Solar and stellar high-resolution X-ray spectra.
Plasma diagnostics with CHIANTI
Del Zanna et al. (2002), X-Ray Astronomy 2000:
PASP Conf. Ser., R. Giacconi, L. Stella and S. Serio eds.
B.J.I. Bromage, D. Alexander, A. Breen, J.R. Clegg, G. Del Zanna, C. DeForest,
D. Dobrzycka, N. Gopalswamy, B. Thompson, P. K. Browning, 2000: Structure
of a large low-latitude coronal hole , Sol. Phys. ,
193, 181
Del Zanna, G. and B.J.I. Bromage, 1999:
SOHO/CDS observations of plumes
in coronal holes, ESA SP-448
Parenti, S., Del Zanna, G. and B.J.I. Bromage, 1999:
A SOHO/CDS observation
of a macrospicule in the south coronal hole, ESA SP-448
Clegg, J.R., Browning, P.K., Del Zanna, G., Bromage, B.J.I., 1999:
across a coronal hole extension, ESA SP-448
Del Zanna, G. and B.J.I. Bromage, 1999:
Transition region densities
and abundances as derived from SOHO/CDS observations, 8th SOHO workshop,
Andretta, V., Landi, E., Del Zanna, G., and Jordan, S. D., 1999:
A direct
comparison between EUV coronal flux and helium resonance line photon flux
from SOHO/CDS data 8th SOHO workshop, Paris.
Del Zanna, G. and B.J.I. Bromage, 1999:
Characterisation of solar coronal
holes and plumes using spectroscopic diagnostic techniques applied to SOHO/CDS
observations. Space Science Reviews, 87, 169.
Fludra, A., G. Del Zanna and B.J.I. Bromage, 1999:
EUV observations
above polar coronal holes, Space Science Reviews, 87, 185.
Del Zanna, G. and B.J.I. Bromage, 1999: The Elephant's Trunk: Spectroscopic
diagnostics applied to SOHO/CDS observations of the August 1996 equatorial
coronal hole. Special issue (Whole Sun Month) of the Journal of Geophysical
Research - Space Physics, 104, 9753.
Fludra, A., G. Del Zanna, D. Alexander and B.J.I. Bromage, 1999:
Density and Temperature of the Lower Solar Corona Special issue (Whole
Sun Month) of the Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, 104,
Gibson, S. E., A. Fludra, F. Bagenal, D. Biesecker, G. Del Zanna, B. Bromage,
Solar minimum streamer densities and temperatures using Whole
Sun Month co ordinated data-sets Special issue (Whole Sun Month) of
the Journal of Geophysical Research - Space Physics, 104, 9691.
Bromage, B.J.I., J.R. Clegg, G. Del Zanna, and B.Thompson, 1999:
of an Elephant's Trunk, ASP Conf. Ser. 158, 37.
Landi, E., G. Del Zanna, E.R. Breeveld, M. Landini, B.J.I. Bromage, and
C.D. Pike, 1999:
Relative intensity calibration of CDS-GIS detectors
on SOHO using a plasma diagnostic technique, A&ASS 135,171.
Bromage, B.J.I., G. Del Zanna , A.Fludra, C. DeForest and B.Thompson, 1997:
Structure and Evolution of Solar Coronal Holes Observed by SOHO During
August and September 1996; 31st ESLAB symposium, The Netherlands 22-25
September 1997
Gopalswamy, N., C. DeForest, B.J.I. Bromage, G. Del Zanna, and K. Shibasaki,
Multiwavelength Observations of a Low-Latitude Coronal Hole;
Sac Peak Summer Workshop 1997
Fludra, A., G. Del Zanna, B. J. I. Bromage,1997:
Observations of the
Quiet Sun Corona and Coronal Holes with the Coronal Diagnostic Spectrometer
on SOHO. Annual Meeting Solar Physics Division of the AAS June 27 -July
1, 1997 MSU-Bozeman
Del Zanna, G., B.J.I. Bromage, 1997: Spectroscopic diagnostics applied
to the August 1996 equatorial coronal hole. 5th SOHO workshop Oslo,
17-20 June 1997
Bromage, B.J.I., G. Del Zanna, C. DeForest and B. Thompson, 1997:
equatorial coronal hole at solar minimum 5th SOHO workshop Oslo, 17-20
June 1997
Fludra, A. G. Del Zanna, B. J. I. Bromage, R.J. Thomas,1997:
EUV line
intensities above the limb measured by CDS 5th SOHO workshop Oslo,
17-20 June 1997
Landi,E., G. Del Zanna, M. Landini, B.J.I. Bromage, E.R. Breeveld and C.D.
Pike, 1997:
GIS calibration study with a plasma diagnostic method
5th SOHO workshop Oslo, 17-20 June 1997
DeForest, C., B.J.I. Bromage, G. Del Zanna, D.M. Hassler, B. Thompson,
Coordinated Observation of a Low-Latitude Coronal Hole, Spring
Meeting of the American Geophysical Union May 27-30, 1997, Baltimore, Maryland
Landi E., Landini M., Del Zanna G., 1997: The EUV spectrum of Kappa
Ceti: an active Sun, A&A 324, 1027-1035
Application of
Spectroscopic Diagnostics to Early Observations with the SOHO Coronal
Diagnostic Spectrometer
Mason H.E., Young P.R., Pike C.D., Harrison R.A., Fludra A., Bromage B.J.I.,
Del Zanna G., 1997,
Sol. Phys. 170, 143-161
Monsignori Fossi B. C., Landini M., Del Zanna G. and Bowyer S., 1996: A
time-resolved Extreme-Ultraviolet spectroscopic study of the quiescent
and flaring corona of the flare star AU Microscopii, Ap. J., 466,
Del Zanna G., Landini M., Migliorini S. and Monsignori Fossi B.C.: 1995,
in 9th Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun,
R. Pallavicini and A.K.Dupree eds. P.A.S.P. Conf. Ser. , vol. 109, p. 261.
EUV spectrum of AU Microscopii in a quiescent phase.
Del Zanna G., Landini M., Landi E. and Monsignori Fossi B.C.: 1995, in
Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, R. Pallavicini
and A.K.Dupree eds., P.A.S.P. Conf. Ser., vol. 105, p. 259
of temperature and density diagnostics in the coronae of
Centauri and the Sun
Del Zanna G., Monsignori Fossi B.C., Landini M.: 1995, Bulletin of the
American Astronomical Society, 125.04 vol. 27:
A Differential Emission
Measure analysis of AU Mic flares
Salvati M., Calamai G., Hunt L.K., , Del Zanna G., Giannuzzo E., Mannucci
F., Stanga R., Kidger M., Wamsteker W. : 1994, IAU S 159 335S. The nature
of the NIR emission from Seyfert 1 galaxies : NGC 4051.
Monsignori Fossi B.C., Landini M., Del Zanna G., Bowyer S.: 1994, in 8th
Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, J.P.
Caillault ed. P.A.S.P. Conf. Ser. 64:
Temperature and density
of a flare on AU MIC observed by the EUVE spectrometers
Monsignori Fossi B.C., Landini M., Del Zanna G., Drake J.J. 1994, in 8th
Cambridge Workshop on Cool Stars, Stellar Systems and the Sun, J.P.
Caillault ed. P.A.S.P. Conf. Ser. 64: The EUV spectrum of AT
Salvati M., Hunt L.K., Calamai G., Del Zanna G., Giannuzzo E., Kidger M.,
Mannucci F., Stanga R., Wamsteker W. : 1993, A&A 274, 174
and emission mechanisms in Seyfert 1 galaxies: a large near-infrared outburst
in NGC 4051
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