Research in Astrophysics -- Solar Active regions
Some works presented here are
People are free to use them,
as long as proper reference is given.

Solar Flares
Sigmoidal diagnostics with SOHO/CDS
Del Zanna, G., Mason, H. E., Gibson, S.E., Pike, C. D., and
Mandrini, C. H., 2002,
Adv. Space Res., Vol. 30, No. 3, 551
This paper has many firsts.
For the first time, spatially- and spectrally-resolved
observations of a flare are presented.
Temperatures, densities, blue-shifts, etc.
EUV spectral observations of active region flares
Del Zanna, G., Mason, H. E., & Foley, C. 2002,
Solar variability: from core
to outer frontiers. The 10th European Solar Physics Meeting, 9 - 14
September 2002, Prague, Czech Republic. Ed. A. Wilson. ESA SP-506, Vol. 2.
Noordwijk: ESA Publications Division, ISBN 92-9092-816-6, 2002, p. 585 - 588
SOHO-CDS observations of flares
This is the talk I presented at the UK
National Astronomical Meeting in Dublin, April 2003.
It contains and expands the material presented in the
above papers.

Solar Active regions
The quiescent 1 MK loops
Solar active regions: the footpoints of 1 MK loops
G. Del Zanna, A&A, 2003, in press
This is the first detailed study on the footpoints
of 1 MK quiescent loops.
On-disc SOHO and TRACE observations of the footpoints
of 1 MK quiescent loops. Densities, temperatures,
elemental abundances. Revision of some previous results based on Skylab data.
Solar active regions: SOHO/CDS
and TRACE observations of quiescent coronal loops
G. Del Zanna and H.E. Mason, A&A, 2003, in press
A new view of active regions is presented.
Simultaneous SOHO/CDS and TRACE multifilter observations
of quiescent loops are studied in detail for the first time.
A critical review of all previous works on AR loops
based on TRACE and CDS data is presented.
More information can be provided upon request.
A discussion of the diagnostic capabilities of the instruments
is given.
Densities, temperatures, elemental abundances of loops
and of the diffuse background emission.
Solar active regions: the 1 MK loops
This is the talk I presented at the UK
National Astronomical Meeting in Dublin, April 2003.
It contains and expands the material presented in the
two above papers.
The Structure and Evolution of a Sigmoidal
Active Region
Gibson, S. E., Fletcher, L., Del Zanna, G., Pike, C. D., Mason, H. E.,
Mandrini, C. H., Démoulin, P., Gilbert, H., Burkepile, J., Holzer, T.,
Alexander, D., Liu, Y., Nitta, N., Qiu, J., Schmieder, B., & Thompson, B. J.
Astrophysical Journal, 574, 1021-1038
This is a colour version of the paper - Courtesy of Sarah Gibson
This paper summarizes some observations of an
active region multi-wavelength campaign to study sigmoids.
More information can be found in the
Sigmoid working group pages - led by Sarah Gibson
these WWW pages
Active Region studies with SOHO-CDS
Mason, H.E. and Del Zanna, G., 2001,
Proc. of the 35th ESLAB Symposium,
PASP Conf. Ser., F. Favata and J. Drake eds.
This is a review on spectroscopic diagnostics.

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Giulio Del Zanna 11 June 2003