Solar coronal holes and plumes
Spectroscopic characteristics of polar plumes
Del Zanna, G., Bromage, B. J. I. & Mason, H. E. 2003, A&A 398, 743-761
Element abundances of the low corona as derived from SOHO/CDS
Solar and Galactic Composition, AIP Conf. Proc., 598, 59
B.J.I. Bromage, D. Alexander, A. Breen, J.R. Clegg, G. Del Zanna, C. DeForest,
D. Dobrzycka, N. Gopalswamy, B. Thompson, P. K. Browning, 2000: Structure
of a large low-latitude coronal hole , Sol. Phys. ,
193, 181
Del Zanna, G. and B.J.I. Bromage, 1999:
SOHO/CDS observations of plumes
in coronal holes, ESA SP-448
Del Zanna, G. and B.J.I. Bromage, 1999:
Characterisation of solar coronal
holes and plumes using spectroscopic diagnostic techniques applied to SOHO/CDS
observations. Space Science Reviews, 87, 169.
Del Zanna, G. and B.J.I. Bromage, 1999: The Elephant's Trunk: Spectroscopic
diagnostics applied to SOHO/CDS observations of the August 1996 equatorial
coronal hole. Special issue (Whole Sun Month) of the Journal of Geophysical
Research - Space Physics, 104, 9753.
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Giulio Del Zanna 11 June 2003