Spectroscopic diagnostics and applications
Some works presented here are
People are free to use them,
as long as proper reference is given.

Spectroscopic diagnostics - general
Spectroscopic diagnostics of stellar
transition regions and coronae in the
XUV: AU Mic in quiescence
Del Zanna, G., Landini, M., & Mason, H. E. 2002, A&A 385, 968-985
This is a review paper on spectroscopic diagnostic techniques
that can be applied to XUV observations of active stars, including the
In particular,
I discuss methods for the determination of electron densities, emission
measures and the chemical composition of the stellar transition regions
and coronae.
Severe limitations to some of the commonly used methods
and atomic data are highlighted.
New results, significantly different from those of the prvious
literature are found.
In particular, in terms of transition region densities,
where values one order of magnitude lower are found.
For the first time, it shown that the anomalous behavior of
the ions of the Li- and Na-sequence is also present for the stars.
Solar and stellar high-resolution X-ray spectra.
Plasma diagnostics with the CHIANTI atomic database.
Del Zanna, G., and Mason, H.E., 2001,
Proc. of the 35th ESLAB Symposium,
PASP Conf. Ser., F. Favata and J. Drake eds.
Del Zanna, G. and B.J.I. Bromage, 1999:
Transition region densities
and abundances as derived from SOHO/CDS observations, 8th SOHO workshop,
Application of
Spectroscopic Diagnostics to Early Observations with the SOHO Coronal
Diagnostic Spectrometer
Mason, H. E., Young, P. R., Pike, C. D., Harrison, R. A., Fludra, A.,
Bromage, B. J. I., & Del Zanna, G. 1997, Solar Physics
Spectroscopic diagnostics - Element abundances
Element abundances of the low corona as derived from SOHO/CDS
Solar and Galactic Composition, AIP Conf. Proc., 598, 59
Coronal and Solar Wind Elemental Abundances
J. C. Raymond, J. E. Mazur, F. Allegrini,E. Antonucci, G. Del Zanna et al.
Solar and Galactic Composition, AIP Conf. Proc., 598, 49
Instrument calibration
The use of Atomic Data for the in-flight
calibration of the CDS Spectrometers. .
Del Zanna (2002), The Radiometric Calibration of SOHO, ISSI Scientific
Report, in press.
For a general overview of the various applications, read:
The CHIANTI Atomic Database and Instrument
Calibration: a symbiosis
Mason et al (2002), The Radiometric Calibration of SOHO, ISSI Scientific
Report, Pauluhn,A., Huber M.C.E., von Steiger,R. eds.
X-ray solar and Chandra stellar spectra

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Giulio Del Zanna May 2003