Organising the Pheno Seminar
- Only organise talks during term time except in special circumstances:
4-5pm on a Friday in the Potter Room (the coffee room, ie B1.34)
is the normal place and time but it can be moved if necessary on an
individual case basis (stick to weekday afternoons to avoid teaching times
and make sure it doesn't clash with the
other HEP/GR
seminars though)
- You can invite collaborators/professional friends, if they can give a
talk on something pheno related
- Talk to our HEP secretary Amanda Stagg about how to fill her in on
the speakers etc: I believe that there is an online document for you to fill
in. She will need a fair bit of advance notice to get everything in train.
The maximum travel cost (flights+taxi+train) we can award is £250 and the
maximum stay is 2 nights.
If they get an international train rather than a flight,
they can spend up to £500 on travel because it's more sustainable.
Use local people as well: 2nd/third year students, postdocs all need
practice (including yourself)
- The odd online zoom talk is fine from people who are far away: we
shall still meet to watch it in the Potter Room, however.
The page for the seminars is Make
sure that you are made a manager of this page and put the talks on there as
soon as they are organised. They will then automatically appear ont he
webpage and on the TVs around DAMTP.
As soon as you have organised a talk, tell Amanda. She is on hand to book
the B and B: she'll need the speaker's email address and you should put the
two of them in touch with each other.
It's your duty to welcome the speaker on the day of their arrival: you're
to get them to reception, take them to Amanda to get a key to the
visitor's office/computer account if they need one/access card.
It's also necessary to get them there in plenty of time to set up their
talk and make sure the equipment is ready to go. You introduce them and
the session, i.e. ask for questions, thinking of one of your own just in
case people are slow to ask one.
- Impress upon the speaker that they are responsible for collecting
receipts for all expenses. The expenses have maxima given
by the
university rules and they must apply within 3 months of expenditure
for reimbursement. They can claim by filling out all of
the visitor's claim
form and sending it,
along with receipts, back to Amanda.
- With timing of the talk, they have 55 minutes. Allow 5 for
questions. You can give them a 5 minute warning at 50 minutes in.
The talk is somewhat informal and we often ask questions during it.
- You need to book the room using the booking system
- Make sure you have a chat with Amanda, letting her know you're
co-organising. She has various booking documents etc you're to use.
- Check the internal tab of the DAMTP HEP group to see the latest on
expenses you can claim for a meal with the seminar speaker.