The error could be one of the following:
There is a problem: you have had A1N1.tex since Mon Jan 5 15:19:51 1998. You must put this file back using putex before you or anyone else can get example A1N1 out again. Quitting with no harm done.
Oops, there's no example directory XX12. Quitting with no harm done.
If this seems unjust or plain wrong then send e-mail to and complain -- any of the computer officers in the department should be able to help.You aren't a member of the examples group.
There is a problem: the following people have control of files: Jon Peatfield (jp107) has A1N1.tex You'll have to negotiate with these people to get them to return the files using putex before you can get them yourself. Quitting with no harm done.
Email and they will archive the old sheet and upload the new one.The example A1N1 already exists. Quitting with no harm done.
Email and remember to include any style files which are part of the examples sheet. The IT team should be able to tweak the files so that the dvi file is generated correctly and get rid of any rubbish left by the failed putex command.dvips error 1:./A1N1.dvi Quitting with no harm done.