This page contains a list of my academic papers ( click here for a pdf
version ).
The copyright of the JFM papers is held by
Camridge University Press.
Hinch, E.J. 1970
The rotation of Venus and thermal tides
W.H.O.I. G.F.D. Notes 2, 38-54.
Schubert, G., Young, R.E. & Hinch, E.J. 1971
Prograde and retrograde motion in a fluid layer: consequences for
thermal diffusion in the Venus atmosphere
J. Geophys. Res. 76, 2126-2130.
Leal, L.G. & Hinch, E.J. 1971
The effect of weak Brownian rotations on particles in shear flow
J. Fluid Mech. 46, 685-703.
Hinch, E.J. & Schubert, G. 1971
Strong streaming induced by a moving thermal wave
J. Fluid Mech. 47, 291-304.
Hinch, E.J. & Leal, L.G. 1972
The effect of Brownian motion on the rheological properties of a
suspension of non-spherical particles
J. Fluid Mech. 52, 683-712.
Leal, L.G. & Hinch, E.J. 1972
A note on the streaming double refraction in a dilute suspension
of rigid spheroids subject to weak Brownian rotations
Rheol. Acta 11, 190-198.
Douglas, H.A., Mason, P.J. & Hinch E.J. 1972
Motion due to a moving internal heat source
J. Fluid Mech. 54, 469-480.
Leal, L.G. & Hinch, E.J. 1972
The rheology of a suspension of nearly spherical particles
subject to Brownian rotations
J. Fluid Mech. 55, 745-765.
Hinch, E.J. 1972
Note on the symmetries of certain material tensors for a particle in
Stokes flow
J. Fluid Mech. 54, 423-425.
Hinch, E.J. & Leal, L.G. 1972
Note on the rheology of dilute suspensions of dipolar spheres
with weak Brownian couples
J. Fluid Mech. 56, 803-813.
Leal, L.G. & Hinch, E.J. 1973
Theoretical studies of a suspension of rigid particles affected by
Brownian couples
Rheol. Acta 12, 127-132.
Hinch, E.J. & Leal, L.G. 1973
Time-dependent shear flows of a suspension of particles with weak
Brownian rotations
J. Fluid Mech. 57, 753-767.
Hinch, E.J. 1974
Instabilities due to dissipation
Eureka 36, 17-18.
Hinch, E.J. & Ziabicki, A. 1974
The mechanics of fluid suspensions and polymer solutions: a report
on Euromech 49.
J. Fluid Mech. 66, 1-9.
Hinch, E.J. 1974
Mechanical models of dilute polymer solutions for strong flows
with large polymer deformations M in
Polymeres et Lubrification
Colloques Internl. du C.N.R.S. 233, 241-247.
Hinch, E.J. 1975
The mechanics of fluid suspensions
in Theoretical Rheology
ed. Hutton, J.F., Pearson, J.R.A. & Walters, K.
(Applied Science Publishers) 206-223.
Bark, F.H., Hinch, E.J. & Landahl, M.T. 1975
Drag reduction in turbulent flow due to additives: a report on
Euromech 52
J. Fluid Mech. 68, 129-138.
Hinch, E.J. 1975
Mechanical models of dilute polymer solutions in strong flows
in Polymer Rheology and Plastic Processing
(Plastics & Rubber Institute) 65-71.
Hinch, E.J. & Leal, L.G. 1975
Constitutive equations in suspension mechanics. Part 1. General
J. Fluid Mech. 71, 481-495.
Hinch, E.J. 1975
Applications of the Langevin equation to fluid suspensions
J. Fluid Mech. 72, 499-511.
Hinch, E.J. 1976
The distortion of a flexible inextensible thread in shear flow
J. Fluid Mech. 74, 317-333.
Hinch, E.J. 1976
The deformation of a nearly straight thread in a shearing flow with
weak Brownian motions
J. Fluid Mech. 75, 765-775.
Hinch, E.J. & Leal, L.G. 1976
Constitutive equations in a suspension mechanics.
Part 2. Approximate forms for a suspension of rigid particles
affected by Brownian rotations
J. Fluid Mech. 76, 187-208.
Hinch, E.J. 1976
Mechanical models of dilute polymer solutions for strong flows
in Proc. 7th Internl. Congress on Rheology 408-410.
Russel, W.B., Hinch, E.J., Leal, L.G. & Tieffenbruck, G. 1977
Rods falling near a vertical wall
J. Fluid Mech. 83, 273-287.
Hinch, E.J. 1977
Mechanical models of dilute polymer solutions in strong flows
Phys. Fluids 20, S22-S30.
Hinch, E.J. 1977
An averaged-equation approach to particle interactions in a fluid
J. Fluid Mech. 83, 695-720.
Hinch, E.J. & Acrivos, A. 1979
Steady long slender droplets in two-dimensional straining motion
J. Fluid Mech. 91, 401-414.
Hinch, E.J. & Leal, L.G. 1979
Rotation of small non-axisymmetric particles in a simple shear flow
J. Fluid Mech. 92, 591-608.
Hinch, E.J. & Elata, C. 1979
Heterogeneity of dilute polymer solutions
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 5, 411-425.
Hinch, E.J. & Acrivos, A. 1980
Long slender drops in a simple shear flow
J. Fluid Mech. 98, 305-328.
Acrivos, A., Hinch, E.J. & Jeffrey, D.J. 1980
Heat transfer to a slowly moving fluid from a dilute fixed bead of
heated spheres
J. Fluid Mech. 101, 403-421.
Hinch, E.J. 1980
The evolution of slender inviscid drops in an axisymmetric straining
J. Fluid Mech. 101, 545-553.
Hinch, E.J. 1981
Electroviscous effects
in Continuum Models of Discrete Systems 4
ed. Brulin, O. & Hsieh, R.K.T.
(North Holland) 411-422.
Hinch, E.J. & Sherwood, J.D. 1983
The primary electroviscous effect in a suspension of spheres with
thin double layers
J. Fluid Mech. 132, 337-347.
Hocquart, R. & Hinch, E.J. 1983
The long-time tail of the angular-velocity autocorrelation function
for a rigid Brownian particle of arbitrary centrally symmetric shape
J. Fluid Mech. 137, 217-220.
Kojima, M., Hinch, E.J. & Acrivos, A. 1984
The formation and expansion of a toroidal drop moving in a viscous
Phys. Fluids 27, 19-32.
Hinch, E.J., Sherwood, J.D., Chen, W.C. & Sen, P.N. 1984
Dielectric response of a dilute suspension of spheres with thin
double layers in an asymmetric electrolyte
Faraday Trans. II 80, 535-551.
Hinch, E.J. 1984
A note on the mechanism of the instability at the interface between
two shearing fluids
J. Fluid Mech. 144, 463-465.
Hinch, E.J. 1985
The recovery of oil from underground reservoirs
in Theoretical and Applied Mechanics
ed. Niordson, F.I. & Olhoff, N. (Elsevier) 135-161.
Hinch, E.J. 1985
The recovery of oil from underground reservoirs
J. Physico-Chemical Hydrodynamics 6, 601-622.
Davis, R.H., Serayssol, J-M. & Hinch, E.J. 1986
The elastohydrodynamic collision of two spheres
J. Fluid Mech. 163, 479-497.
Rallison, J.M. & Hinch, E.J. 1986
The effect of particle interactions on dynamic light scattering from
a dilute suspension
J. Fluid Mech. 167, 131-168.
Hinch, E.J. 1985
Inhibition of a stretching flow of limited force
in Polymer-Flow Interactions
ed. Rabin, Y. (A.I.P.) 59-69.
Rallison, J.M. & Hinch, E.J. 1988
Do we understand the physics in the constitutive equation
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 29, 37-55.
Hinch, E.J. 1988
Hydrodynamics at low Reynolds number: a brief and elementary
in Disorder and Mixing
ed. Guyon, E., Nadal J-P. & Pomeau, Y.
(Kluwer) N.A.T.O. A.S.I. E, 152, 43-55.
Hinch, E.J. 1988
Sedimentation of small particles
in Disorder and Mixing
ed. Guyon, E., Nadal J-P. & Pomeau, Y.
(Kluwer) N.A.T.O. A.S.I. E, 152, 153-161.
Hinch, E.J. 1988
The recovery of oil from underground reservoirs
in Mathematics in oil production
ed. Edwards, Sir Sam & King, P.R.
(O.U.P.) 313-341.
Schonberg, J.A. & Hinch, E.J. 1989
Inertial migration of a sphere in Poiseuille flow
J. Fluid Mech. 203, 517-524.
Hinch, E.J. & Bhatt, B.S. 1990
Stability of an acid front moving through a porous rock
J. Fluid Mech. 212, 279-288.
Couch, M.C. & Hinch, E.J. 1991
Sedimentation, aggregation and compaction
in Physics of granular media
ed. Bideau, D. & Dodds, J.A.
(Nova Sciences Publishers) 299-321.
Keiller, R.A. & Hinch, E.J. 1991
Corner flows of a suspension of rigid rods
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 40, 323-335.
Hinch, E.J. 1991
Perturbation Methods
book published by C.U.P.
Hinch, E.J., Harris, O.J. & Rallison, J.M. 1992
The instability mechanism for two elastic liquids being co-extruded
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 43, 311-324.
Acrivos, A., Batchelor, G.K., Hinch, E.J., Koch, D.L. & Mauri, R. 1992
Longitudinal shear-induced diffusion of spheres in a dilute suspension
J. Fluid Mech. 240, 651-657.
Harlen, O.G., Hinch, E.J. & Rallison, J.M. 1992
Birefringent pipes: the steady flow of a dilute polymer solution
near a stagnation point
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 44, 229-265.
Blanc, R. & Hinch E.J. 1993
Dense suspensions and loose packings
pages 287-303 in Disorder and Granular Media
Eds. D. Bideau & A. Hansen (Elsevier).
Ippolito, I., Hinch, E.J., Daccord, G. & Hulin, J.P. 1993
Tracer dispersion in two-dimensional fractures with flat
and rough walls in a radial geometry
Phys. Fluids A 5, 1952-1962.
Hinch, E.J. & Nitche, L.C. 1993
Nonlinear drift
interactions between fluctuating colloid particles:
oscillatory and stochastic motions
J. Fluid Mech. 256, 343-401.
Hinch, E.J. 1993
The approach to steady state in Oseen flows
J. Fluid Mech. 256, 601-604.
Hinch E.J. 1993
The flow of an Oldroyd fluid around a sharp corner
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 50, 161-171.
Hinch, E.J. 1994
Brownian motion with stiff bonds and rigid constraints
J. Fluid Mech. 271, 219-234.
Kurowski, P., Ippolito, I., Koplik, J., Hinch, E.J. & Hulin, J.P. 1994
Anomalous dispersion in a dipole flow geometry through a
Phys. Fluids 6, 108-117.
Ippolito, I., Daccord, G., Hinch, E.J. & Hulin, J.P. 1994
Echo tracer dispersion in model fractures with a rectangular
J. Contaminant Hydrology 16, 87-108.
Hinch, E.J. 1994
Longwave instability of a free shear layer of an Oldroyd-B
J. Fluid Mech. 268, 64-68.
Hinch, E.J. & Lemaitre, J. 1994
The effect of viscosity on the height of disks floating above an
air table
J. Fluid Mech. 273, 313-322.
Hinch, E.J. 1994
Uncoiling a polymer molecule in a strong extensional
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 54, 209-230.
Koplik, J., Redner, S. & Hinch, E.J. 1994
Tracer dispersion in planar multipole flows
Phys. Rev. E 50, 4650-4671.
Grassia, P.S., Hinch, E.J. & Nitsche, L.C. 1995
Computer simulation of Brownian motion of complex systems
J. Fluid Mech. 282, 373-403.
Nicolai, H., Herzhaft, B., Hinch, E.J., Oger, L. &
Guazzelli, E. 1995
Particle velocity fluctuations and hydrodynamic
self-diffusion of sedimenting non-Brownian spheres
Phys. Fluids 7, 12-23.
Rallison, J.M. & Hinch, E.J. 1995
Instability of a high speed submerged elastic jet
J. Fluid Mech. 288, 311-324.
Hinch, E.J. 1995
Introduction to Mobile Particulate Systems
in Mobile Particulate Systems
edited by E. Guazzelli & L. Oger
NATO-ASI E 287, 1-24.
Reproduced as a special edition du journal du G.d.R de P.M.H.C.
Grassia, P.S. & Hinch, E.J. 1996
Computer simulations of polymer chain relaxation via Brownian
J. Fluid Mech. 308, 255-288.
Cunha, F.R. & Hinch, E.J. 1996
Shear-induced dispersion in a dilute suspension of
rough spheres
J. Fluid Mech. 309, 211-223.
Ghidaglia, C., de Arcangelis, L., Hinch, E.J. & Guazzelli, E. 1996
Hydrodynamic interactions in deep bead filtration
Phys. Fluids. 8, 6-14.
Bruneau, D., Feuillebois, F., Anthore, R. & Hinch, E.J. 1996
Intrinsic convection in a settling suspension
Phys. Fluids. 8, 2236-2238.
Nitsche, L.C. & Hinch, E.J. 1996
Shear-induced lateral migration of Brownian rigid rods in
parabolic channel flow
J. Fluid Mech. 332, 1-21.
Hinch, E.J. 1996
Converging flows of elastic liquids
in Proceedings of ICIAM-95
edited by K. Kirchgassner, O. Mahrenholtz & R. Mennicken
Mathematical Research 87, 115-133.
Loewenberg, M. & Hinch, E.J. 1996
Numerical simulations of concentrated emulsions
J. Fluid Mech. 321, 395-419.
Kelly, E. & Hinch, E.J. 1998
Numerical solution of Hele-Shaw flows driven by a quadrupole
E.J. Applied Maths. 8, 551-566.
Ghidaglia, C., de Arcangelis, L., Hinch, E.J. & Guazzelli, E. 1996
Transition in particle capture in deep bed filtration
Phys. Rev. E 53, R3028-R3031.
Kelly, E. & Hinch, E.J. 1998
Numerical solutions of sink flows in the Hele
Shaw cell with small surface tension
E.J. Applied Maths. 8, 533-550.
Loewenberg, M. & Hinch, E.J. 1997
Collision of two deformable drops in a sheared emulsion
J. Fluid Mech. 338, 299-315.
Entov, V.M. & Hinch, E.J. 1997
The effect of a spectrum of relaxation times on the
capillary thinning of a filament of elastic liquid
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 72, 31-54.
Szabo, P., Rallison, J.M. & Hinch, E.J. 1997
Start-up of flow of a FENE-fluid through a 4:1:4
constriction in a tube
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 72, 73-86.
Koplik, J., Redner, S. & Hinch, E.J. 1995
Universal and Non-universal first-passage properties of
planar multipole flows
Phys. Rev. Lett. 74, 82-85.
Day, Richard F., Hinch, E. John & Lister, John R. 1998
Self-similar capillary pinchoff of an inviscid fluid
Phys. Rev. Lett. 80, 704-707.
Ianniruberto, G., Marrucci, M. & Hinch, E.J. 1998.
Brownian dynamics of concentrated polymers in two dimension.
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 76, 27-42.
Nicolas, M., Hinch, E.J. & Guazzelli, E. 1999.
Wavy instability in liquid-fluidized beds,
Ind. Eng. Chem. Res., 38, 799-802.
Hinch, E.J. 1999.
Mixing, turbulence and chaos - an introduction.
pages 37-56 in Mixing: Chaos and Turbulence
edited by H. Chate, E. Villermaux & J.-M. Chomaz
Kluwer Academic Plenum Publishers 1999 for NATO-ASI.
Hinch, E.J. & Saint-Jean, S. 1999.
The fragmentation of a lines of balls by an impact.
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A, 455, 3201-3220.
Charru, F. & Hinch, E.J. 2000.
Phase diagram of interfacial instabilities in a
two-layer Couette flow and mechanism of the long-wave instability.
J. Fluid Mech. 414, 195-233.
Plouraboue, F. & Hinch, E.J. 2002.
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a Hele-Shaw cell.
Phys. Fluids 14, 922-929.
Bertho, Y., Giorgiutti-Dauphine, F., Raafat, T.,
Hinch E.J., Herrmann, H.J., & Hulin, J.P. 2002.
Powder flow down a vertical pipe the effect of air flow,
J. Fluid Mech., 459, 317-345.
Duru, P., Nicolas, M., Hinch, E.J. & Guazzelli, E. 2002
Constitutive laws in liquid-fluidized beds.
J. Fluid Mech., 452 , 371-404.
Hascoet, E. & Hinch, E.J. 2002.
Linearised impulse-wave propagating down a vertical column of heavy
Phys. Rev. E 66, 011307.
Hinch, E.J. & Kelmanson, M.A. 2003.
On the decay and drift of free-surface perturbations in
viscous, thin-film flow exterior to a rotating cylinder.
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. A 459, 1193-1213.
Cunha, F.R., Abade, G.C., Sousa, A.J. & Hinch, E.J. 2002.
Modeling and direct simulation of velocity fluctuations and
particle-velocity correlations in sedimentation.
J. Fluid Eng. 124, 957-968.
Cunha, F.R., Sousa, A.J. & Hinch, E.J. 2002.
Numerical simulation of velocity fluctuations and dispersion of
sedimentating particles.
Chem. Eng. Comm.189, 1105-1129.
Bergougnoux, L., Ghicini, S., Guazzelli, E. & Hinch E.J. 2003
Spreading fronts and fluctuations in sedimentation.
Phys. Fluids 15, 1875-1887.
Debacq, Hulin, J-P., Salin, D., Perrin, B. & Hinch, E.J. 2003
Buoyant mixing of miscible fluids of varying viscosities in vertical
Phys. Fluids 15, 3846-3855.
Rallison, J.M. & Hinch, E.J. 2003.
The flow of an Oldroyd fuid past a reentrant corner: the downstream
boundary layer.
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 116, 141-162.
Hinch E.J., Kelmanson, M.A. & Metcalfe, P.D. 2004.
Shock-like free-surface perturbations in low-surface-tension,
viscous, thin-film flow exterior to a rotating cylinder.
Proc. R. Soc. Lond. 460, 2975-2991.
Seon, T., Hulin, J-P., Salin, D., Perrin, B. & Hinch, E.J. 2004
Buoyant mixing of miscible fluids in tilted tubes.
Phys. Fluids 16, LL103-106.
Hinch, E.J. & Plouraboue, F. 2005
Kelvin-Helmholtz instability in a Hele-Shaw cell: large effect from
the small region near the meniscus.
Phys. Fluids 17, 052107 (13 pages).
Seon, T., Hulin, J-P., Salin, D., Perrin, B. & Hinch, E.J. 2005
Buoyant driven miscible front dynamics in tilted tubes.
Phys. Fluids. 17 031702 (4 pages).
Charru, F. & Hinch, E.J. 2005
Ripple formation on a particle bed sheared by a viscous liquid.
Part One: steady flow.
J. Fluid Mech. 550, 111-121.
Charru, F. & Hinch, E.J. 2005
Ripple formation on a particle bed sheared by a viscous liquid.
Part Two : oscillating flow.
J. Fluid Mech. 550, 123-137.
Staron, L. & Hinch, E.J. 2005
Discrete simulation of the collapse of granular columns.
J. Fluid Mech. 545, 1-27.
Larrieu, E., Staron, L. & Hinch, E.J. 2005
Raining into shallow water as a description of the collapse of a
column of grains.
J. Fluid Mech. 554, 259-270.
Taberlet, N., Richard, P. & Hinch, E.J. 2005
The S-shape of a granular pile in a rotating drum.
Phys. Rev. E. 73, 050301 (4 pages).
Seon, T., Hulin, J-P., Salin, D., Perrin, B. & Hinch, E.J. 2006
LIF measurements of buoyancy driven mixing in tilted tubes.
Phys. Fluids 18, 041701 (4 pages).
Etienne, J., Hinch, E.J. & Li, J. 2006
A Lagrangian-Eulerian approach for the numerical simulation of
free-surface flow of a viscoelastic material.
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 136, 157-166.
Staron, L. & Hinch, E.J. 2007
The spreading of a granular mass:
role of grain properties and initial conditions.
Granular Matter 9, 205-217.
Chehata Gomez, D.C., Bergougnoux, L., Hinch E.J., and Guazzelli, E. 2007
On stratification control of the velocity
fluctuations in sedimentation
Phys. Fluids 19, 098102 (4 pages).
Seon, T., Znaien, J., Hinch, E.J., Perrin, B., Salin, D., and Hulin,
J.P. 2007
Transient buoyancy-driven front dynamics in
nearly horizontal tubes.
Phys. Fluids 19, 123603 (11 pages).
Seon, T., Znaien, J., Perrin, B., Hinch, E.J., Salin, D., and Hulin,
J.P. 2007
Front dynamic and macroscopic diffusion in buoyant mixing in a tilted
Phys. Fluids 19, 125105 (7 pages).
Chehata Gomez, D.C., Bergougnoux, L., Guazzelli, E., and Hinch, E.J. 2008
Spreading fronts in sedimentation of dilute suspesnion of spheres
Phys. Fluids 20, 023302 (9 pages).
Chiu-Webster, S, Hinch, E.J. and Lister, J.R. 2008
Very viscous horizontal convection
J. Fluid Mech. 611, 395-426.
Larrieu, E, Hinch, E.J. and Charru, F. 2009
Lagrangian drift near a wavy boundary in a viscous flow
J. Fluid Mech. 630, 391-411.
Yokoi, K., Vadillo, D., Hinch, J. and Hutchings, I. 2009
Numerical studies of the influence of the dynamic contact angle on a
drop impacting on a dry surface.
Phys. Fluids 21, 072102 (12 pages)
Gomez, D.C., Bergougnoux, L. Guazzelli, E and Hinch, E.J. 2009
Fluctuations and stratification in sedimentation of dilute suspensions
of spheres
Phys. Fluids 21, 093304 (10 pages)
Parmar, N.H, Tirumkudulu, M.S. and Hinch, E.J. 2009
Coating flow of viscous Newtonian liquids on a rotating vertical disc
Phys. Fluids 21, 103102 (8 pages)
Znaien, J., Hallez, Y., Moisy, F., Magnaudet, J., Hulin, J.P., Salin, D. and Hinch, E.J. (2009)
Experimental and numerical investigations of flow structure
and momentum transport in a turbulent buoyancy-driven flow
inside a tilted tube
Phys. Fluids 21, 115102 (10 pages)
Hinch, E.J. (2010)
Determining the equation of state of highly plasticised
metals from boundary velocimetry
Part II. An inverse problem or not
J. Eng. Maths. 68, 279-289.
Elisabeth Guazzelli and John Hinch (2011)
Fluctuations and instability in sedimentation
Annual Reviews in Fluid Mechanics 43, 97-116.
John Hinch (2010)
A perspective of Batchelor's research in Micro-hydrodynamics
J. Fluid Mech. 663, 8-17.
Hinch. E.J. (2010)
The measurement of suspension rheology
J. Fluid Mech. 686, 1-4.
Yuri D. Sobral and E. John Hinch (2011)
Gravitational Overturning in Stratified Particulate Flows
SIAM J Appl. Maths. 71, 2151-2167.
Castrejon-Pita, J.R., Castrejon-Pita, A.A., Hinch, E.J., Lister, J.R. and Hutchings, I.M. (2012)
Self-similar Breakup of Near-inviscid Fluids
Phys. Rev. E. 86, 015301.
Abdelhaye, Y.O.M., Chaouche, M., Chapuis, J., Charlaix, E., Hinch, J.,
Roux, S. and Van Damme, H. (2012)
Tackiness and cohesive failure of granular pastes: Mechanistic aspects
Euro. Phys. J. E 35, 45 (8 pages).
Hinch, J. (2013)
Particles impacting on a granular bed
J. Eng. Maths. 84, 41-48.
Yu, Liyan and Hinch, John (2013)
The velocity of 'large' viscous drops falling on a coated vertical fibre
J. Fluid Mech. 737, 232-248.
Yu, Liyan and Hinch, John (2014)
Drops of power-law fluid falling on a coated vertical fibre
J. Fluid Mech. 751, 184-215.
Jose Rafael Castrejon-Pita, Alfonso Arturo Castrejon-Pita, Sumeet Suresh Thete, Krishnaraj Sambath, Ian M. Hutchings, John Hinch, John R. Lister, and Osman A. Basaran (2015)
Plethora of transitions during breakup of liquid filaments
Sobral,Yuri D. and Hinch, E. John (2017)
Finite amplitude steady-state one-dimensional waves in fluidised beds
Siam J. Appl. Math. 77, 247-266.
Helene de Maleprade, Dan Soto, David Quere, E. John Hinch, Tobais Baier, Maximilian T. Schur and Steffen Hardt
Air-propelled, herringbone-textured platelts
Phys. Rev. Fluids 3, 1040101 (14 pages).
Abhishek Yadav, E. John Hinch, and Mahesh S. Tirumkudulu (2019)
Capillary-induced motion of particles bridging interfaces
of a free-standing thin liquid film
Phys. Rev. Lett. 122, 098001.
John Hinch and Oliver Harlen (2021)
Oldroyd B, and not A?
J. Non-Newtonian Fluid Mech. 298, 104668
John Hinch, Evgeniy Boyko and Howard A. Stone (2024)
Fast flow of an Oldroyd-B model fluid through a narrow slowly-varying contraction
accepted by J. Fluid Mech. 988, A11 (34 pages).
Evgeniy Boyko, John Hinch and Howard A. Stone (2024)
Flow of an Oldroyd-B
fluid in a slowly varying contraction: theoretical results for arbitrary values of Deborah number in the ultra-dilute limit
accepted by J. Fluid Mech. 988, A10 (36 pages).