Michael Edgeworth McIntyre
Journal of Fluid Mechanics 881, 182-217 (24 Oct 2019)
See also my shorter paper summarizing the main results:
Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Mechanics 114, 414-428 (27 Apr 2020)
It is sometimes taken for granted in the quantum literature that the Iordanskii force is the only recoil force, i.e. that there is no remote recoil. In the problems studied this is shown to be correct only in an extremely special and restricted set of circumstances. It happens that these are the same special circumstances in which the only relevant wave-refraction property is the Aharonov-Bohm topological phase jump. In less special circumstances, other wave-refraction properties are also relevant and have comparable importance, as has remote recoil.
Remote recoil is also, contrary to an impression one might get from the geophysical/oceanographic literature, able to survive rapid rotation despite the phenomenon known as the Ursell `anti-Stokes flow'.
After the original submission to the Journal of Fluid Mechanics on 11 May 2018 the paper underwent two major revisions and was finally published on 24 October 2019. Thanks to the refereeing process, the readability of the paper has been enormously improved. The final pre-publication preprint incorporates the latest corrections and clarifications and I am very grateful indeed to the referees, and to other colleagues, for their many comments and suggestions.
The shorter version of the paper, summarizing the main results, appeared in the proceedings of the 2019 St Andrews conference on Geophysical and Astrophysical Vortex Interactions in a special issue of Geophysical and Astrophysical Fluid Dynamics.