Turbulence without cascades —
new insights from Jupiter’s unearthly jets
Michael Edgeworth McIntyre
In Turbulence, Waves and Mixing: In Honour of Lord Julian Hunt's 75th
Birthday, ed. S.G. Sajjadi and H.J. Fernando (2016). Inst.
Maths. Applics., ISBN 978-0-905091-35-8, pp. 124-127.
Reprint available
This short paper discusses the fact that one can have turbulence,
in the sense of chaotic vortex motion, without an upscale or
downscale cascade of energy. My student Stephen I. Thomson and
I encountered this situation in
our work to model the ‘unearthly’ jet system on the planet Jupiter,
the straightness of the jets making them very unlike
the meandering jets in the
Earth’s atmosphere and oceans thanks to the very different conditions
on Jupiter.
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Michael Edgeworth McIntyre (mem at damtp.cam.ac.uk),
postal address 98 Windsor Road, Cambridge CB4 3JN, UK.
This page first posted 29 March 2024; last updated
29 March 2024