Operator Algebras
- M. Spivack, Derivations on von Neumann Algebras, M.Sc
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- M. Spivack, Derivations on Operator Algebras, Ph.D thesis,
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Elastic Waves, Simple Boundaries
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Ribbed Membranes with Fluid Loading: Periodic &
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- P.D. Cook & M. Spivack, Wave propagation along a ribbed
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Random Media and Moment Equations
- B. J. Uscinski, C. Macaskill & M. Spivack, Path
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- BJ Uscinski & M Spivack, High
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Rough Surface Scattering and Waveguides
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equation, J. Acoust. Soc. Am. 87 (1990) 1999-2004.
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- M. Spivack, Moments and angular distribution for wave
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- M. Spivack & J.D. Sheard, Wave scattering in an irregular
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- M. Spivack, A. Keen, J. Ogilvy & C. Sillence, Validation
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- Y. Hatziioannou & M. Spivack, Electromagnetic
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- M. Spivack, Scattering by a finite rough plate, Aerotecnica,
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- M. Spivack, J. Ogilvy & C. Sillence, Electromagnetic
propagation in a curved 2-dimensional waveguide, Waves in
Random Media 12 (2002) 47-62.
- M Spivack, J Ogilvy, & C Sillence, Electromagnetic
scattering by large complex scatterers in 3D, IEE Proc
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- M Spivack, J Ogilvy, & C Sillence, Left-right
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- M Spivack, `Electromagnetic signature analysis in defence
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- M Spivack & O Rath Spivack, Sound
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International Congress on Sound and Vibration (ICSV13) July 2006,
- O Rath Spivack & M Spivack, Fast
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Efficient boundary integral solution for acoustic wave scattering by
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arXiv:1407.5560, 2014.
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Rough surface backscatter and statistics via extended parabolic
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arXiv:1408.1879, 2014.
- M Spivack & O Rath Spivack,
Rough surface scattering via two-way parabolic integral equation,
Progress in Electromagnetics Research M 56 (2017) 81-90.
- M Spivack & O Rath Spivack,
Statistical moments for rough surface scatter from two-way parabolic
integral equation at low grazing angles,
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Efficient boundary integral
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Engineering Analysis with Boundary Elements
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- N S Basra, M Spivack, & O Rath Spivack
Random scattering from rough surfaces with spatially varying impedance,
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- N S Basra, M Spivack, & O Rath Spivack
Random scattering from rough surfaces with spatially varying impedance,
Progress in Electromagnetics Research M 56 (2021)
100, 237-245..
- M Spivack, & O Rath Spivack
Propagation in random waveguides: Forward and Inverse Problems,
arXiv:2406.06336, 2024.
Inverse Problems: Rough Surfaces and Inhomogeneous Media
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Rough surface reconstruction at grazing angles
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J. Opt. Soc. Am. A, 35 (2018) 504-513.
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Recovery of rough surface in ducting medium from grazing angle
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J. Applied Physics 124, 8 (2018) 084901
- Y. Chen, O Rath Spivack & M. Spivack
Rough surface reconstruction from phaseless single frequency data
at grazing angles,
Inverse Problems 34, 12 (2018) 124002
- Y. Chen, M. Spivack & O. Rath Spivack
Reconstruction of rough surfaces from a single receiver at grazing angle,, (2024)
- Yuxuan Chen, Ce Wang, Yuan Hui & Mark Spivack
Surface profile recovery from electromagnetic field with
physics--informed neural networks,, (2024)
Inverse Problems: Coastal Morphology
- D.E. Reeve & M. Spivack, Determination
of a source term in the linear diffusion equation
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- D.E. Reeve & M. Spivack, Inverse methods in a coastal
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- D E Reeve & M Spivack, Evolution
of shoreline position moments, Coastal Engineering 51
(2004) 661-673.
- D E Reeve & M Spivack, Prediction
of long-term coastal evolution using moment equations,
Proceedings, Coastal Dynamics 2001, Lund, Sweden, 723-732,
- D E Reeve & M Spivack, Source
reconstruction for a coastal evolution equation, Proceedings
of the MEDCOAST99-EMECS 99 Joint Conference: Land-ocean
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- D E Reeve & M Spivack, Stochastic
prediction of long-term coastal evolution, Coastal
Engineering V: Computer Modelling of Seas and Coastal Regions,
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- M Spivack & D E Reeve, A
stochastic model for shoreline evolution, Proceedings 28th
ICCE, July 2002, Cardiff, (Ed. J. McKee Smith), World Scientific,
H Karunarathna, D E Reeve & M Spivack,
Long-term morphodynamic evolution of estuaries: an inverse problem,
Estuarine, Coastal and Shelf Science 77 (2008) 385-395.
H Karunarathna, D E Reeve & M Spivack,
Beach profile evolution as an inverse problem,
Continental Shelf Research 29 (2009) 2234-2239.
H Karunarathna, J M Horrillo-Caraballo, M Spivack & D E Reeve,
Analysis of key parameters in a diffusion type beach profile evolution
Continental Shelf Research 31 (2011) 98-107.
D E Reeve, A Pedrozo-Acuna & M Spivack,
Beach memory and ensemble prediction of shoreline evolution near a groyne
Coastal Engineering 86 (2014) 77-87.
Bayesian Networks/Machine Learning
- S Bottone, D Lee, C Stanek, M O'Sullivan & M Spivack,
Failure prediction for satellite monitoring systems
using Bayesian networks
Proceedings SPIE 6736,
Unmanned/Unattended Sensors and Sensor Networks IV 2007,
Florence, Italy
- S Bottone, D Lee, M O'Sullivan & M Spivack,
Failure prediction and diagnosis for satellite monitoring systems
using Bayesian networks
MILCOM IEEE Military Communications 2008
Visualisation, eScience and Grid
- M Spivack, A Usher, X Yang, & M Hayes, Visualisation
and grid applications of electromagetic scattering from
aircraft, Proceedings AHM03, Nottingham, ISBN.
- X Yang, M Hayes, A Usher & M Spivack, Developing
web services in a computational grid environment, (2004)
Proceedings IEEE Int'l Conference on Services Computing, Shanghai
Selected Reports
- M. Spivack, Close-to-Grazing Radar Backscatter from
Statistically Rough Surfaces, Technical Report, British
Aerospace project (89 pp, August 1995).
- M. Spivack, Ultrasonic Modelling of Edges of Rough
Cracks, Technical Report and literature survey, Nuclear
Electric project (25 pp, 1996)
- M. Spivack, Statistical Energy Analysis, British Aerospace
Technical Report (16 pp, September 1996).
- M. Spivack, Ultrasonic Modelling of Edges of Rough
Cracks, Report, Nuclear Electric project (22pp December
- M. Spivack, Radar Backscatter from Irregular Surfaces,
Final report for British Aerospace, (28pp January 1997).
- M. Spivack, Scattering of Scalar Waves in 3-Dimensional
Geometries, British Aerospace project, (Sept 1997).
- M. Spivack, Electromagnetic Propagation in a 2-Dimensional
Sinusoidal Waveguide, Report British Aerospace,
(40pp Dec 1997).
- M. Spivack, Ducting Effects in Coastal Radar, Gassiot
Report, (27pp Nov 1997).
- M. Spivack, Stochastic Electromagnetics,
British Aerospace Research Report (July 1998).
- M. Spivack, Radar Propagation in 3-Dimensional Curved
Waveguides, British Aerospace Research Report, (Dec 1999).
- J.A. Ogilvy & M. Spivack Validation of University of
Cambridge intergral equation method for 3 dimensional ducts,
British Aerospace Sowerby Research Centre report JS14234 (46pp, May
- M. Spivack, Mathematical and Numerical Modelling of Radar
Absorbent Materials, BAE Systems Research Report, (Dec 2002).
- M. Spivack & P.E. Barbone, Energy transmission through a
rough interface for wave incidence at the critical angle (1998)
(NATO report CRG 950042).
- M. Spivack & B. Pruin, Phase retrieval from intensity
measurements on two planes (1998) (Research Report).
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