I am a Reader in Computational Neuroscience at DAMTP, and member of the Cambridge Computational Biology Institute (CCBI). I am also co-director of the MPhil in Computational Biology. I use computational techniques to investigate development of the nervous system.
During Lent term, my office hour is normally 12:00-13:00 on Tuesdays (CMS G0.11). Feel free to turn up without making an appointment.
I'm switching to a new website>.
Nov 2015: our special issue on the Quantitative analysis of neuroanatomy is out. We wrote an editorial to summarise it.
Sep 2015: we have a new paper analysing the development of spontaneous activity in cultured networks. Our data has also been uploaded to CARMEN and zenodo.
May 2015: Come to MAPS 2015 in Strasbourg for a workshop we are organizing entitled From Maps to Circuits: Models and Mechanisms for Generating Neural Connections. This follows on from our workshop in 2014 (MAPS 2014). A collection of papers relating to this workshop has just appeared in Developmental Neurobiology edited by Geoffrey Goodhill (cover image).
Feb 2015: Two new papers: Johannes' paper on retinotopic map formation, and Ellese's paper comparing spontaneous activity in different neuronal cultures.
Oct 2014: Catherine's paper on measures for correlating spike trains is now out in Journal of Neuroscience.
Jun 2014: Short correspondence to Nature on open access to data and computer programs. (preprint available)
Mar 2014: Our waverepo project is now live, with the release of our paper in Gigascience. This is a repository of recordings of spontaneous activity in developing retina. Many thanks to our colleagues who provided data. We have dedicated our paper in memory of our dear friend, Prof Colin Ingram, lead PI on the CARMEN project.
Mar 2014: come to the maps2014.org workshop on computational and experimental approaches to understanding neural development.
Mar 2014: preprint of book chapter. SJ Eglen (2013) Models of retinotopic development. To appear in Encyclopedia of Computational Neuroscience, Springer, 2014. PDF
Feb 2014: Two new papers. 1: Developmental changes in mouse retinal waves. 2: Iso-orientation domains in visual cortex.
Jan 2014: Our first R bootcamp has finished and was well-received. We hope to run more in the future.
Blog post on why we choose R for computing.Dec 2013: I am a new fellow at the Software Sustainability Institute.
Sept 2013: I am a visiting fellow at Strasbourg for one year, and will be working with Michael Reber. Details.