Examples of final mosaics: Postscript PDF.
Development movies (red cells are those that moved during the simulation) (animated GIF format): 200 cells 500 cells (movies loop).
Conformity ratio and proportion of cell movement as a function of cell number (10 simulations for each value of N, number of cells in network): Postscript or PDF.
Examples of final mosaics: Postscript PDF.
We find that mosaic regularity increases rapidly with increasing r (corresponding to a bigger exclusion radius). Once the mean radius is bigger than around 20um we find that all cells moved during the simulation. Note however as r continues to increase we see a boundary effect: more and more cells are pushed to the edge of the surface (the last plot, number of rejects, shows how more cells are pushed to the border with increasing r). There is also a (suprising) drop in the nearest neighbour distance (NND) for mid-range values of r, but again this could be due to border effects.
Conformity ratio, proportion of cell movement, number of rejects and NND as a function of cell number (5 simulations for each mean value of r): Postscript or PDF.