I am the Stoke Research Fellow. I am working on the project "Hydrodynamics of Carbon Anisotropic Nanoparticles: Modelling to `Predict the Unseen'" . Nanoparticles are ubiquitous, but their instantaneous dynamic in flowing liquids is, experimentally, practically inaccessible. This project will involve developing three-dimensional simulations and theories to analyse the hydrodynamic behaviour of these `unseen’ particles. Thereby exploring nano-induced effects of extreme geometries and flexibility on orientation and dispersion, improving nanoparticle-based devices and gaining unprecedented physical insights.
Before this I was a PostDoc at Queen Mary's University of London, working with Dr Lorenzo Botto on ERC Project FlexNanoFlow. This project involves modelling the hydrodynamic interaction of 2D nanomaterials such as graphene or boron nitride in flow with application in the processing and production of 2D nanomaterials.
I did my PhD thesis at the University of Bristol on ``Wetting transitions with thin films and contact lines'', supervised by Prof. Jens Eggers, School of Mathematics.
My research interests involve:
Singularities and thin films
Micro-hydrodynamics of Nanoparticles
Boundary element methods
Body-fluid interaction