1980-95: Professor of Mathematical Physics, Cambridge University
1965-80: Reader in Theoretical Physics, Oxford University
1961-65: Lecturer, Cambridge University
1957-61: Lecturer, Imperial College
John Taylor is interested in Gauge Field Theory and Thermal Field Theory.
Selected Publications
- J C Taylor, Ward identities and charge renormalization of the Yang-Milss field, Nucl. Phys. B33, 436 (1971)
- J C Taylor, Gauge theories of weak interactions, CUP (1976)
- R Doria, J Frenkel and J C Taylor, Counter-example to non-abelian Bloch-Norsieck conjecture, Nucl. Phys. B168, 93 (1980)
- J Frenkel and J C Taylor, High-temperature limit of thermal QCD, Nucl. Phys B334, 199 (1991)
- J C Taylor, Hidden unity in nature's laws, CUP (2001)
- J C Taylor (editor), Gauge theories in the twentieth century, Imperial College Press (2001)