Alex Jones

Alex Jones

I am a PhD student in the Applied Functional and Harmonic Analysis group within the Cambridge Centre for Analysis at DAMTP. My supervisor is Anders Hansen.

From 2007 to 2011, I was an undergraduate of Cambridge University studying Mathematics where I received my masters and batchelors degrees.

Email: adj27 [at]

Research interests

My main research interests involve investigating and applying compressed sensing tools in both theory and applications such as NMR spectroscopy and MRI imaging. My background is in probability theory and linear analysis.


  1. A. Jones, B Adcock, A. Hansen, On Asymptotic Incoherence and its Implications for Compressed Sensing of Inverse Problems.
  2. A. Jones, B Adcock, A. Hansen, Analyzing the Structure of Multidimensional Compressed Sensing Problems through Coherence.


  1. Matrix Suprema & Compressed Sensing, CCA CAKE Seminar, University of Cambridge, 14th May 2014.

  2. Semirandom Sampling and Incoherence, CCA-MASDOC Conference, University of Warwick, March 26th 2013.

  3. Sampling Schemes and the Superesolution Phenomenon in Compressed Sensing, CCA CAKE Seminar, University of Cambridge, 21st November 2012.