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  • 2017- date:  DAMTP,  Cambridge University
  • 1996-2017:  Mathematics,  Bristol University
  • 1992-1996:  Mathematics,  Newcastle University
  • 1992          :  PhD,  MIT


General fluid mechanics: the Navier-Stokes equations (nonlinear dynamics, transition and turbulence); geophysical and astrophysical fluid mechanics (e.g. convection; stably stratified flows; tidal, precessional and librational motion of planetary interiors and subsurface oceans; accretion disks);

Selected Publications


Stochastic Latent Transformer: Efficient Modelling of Stochastically Forced Zonal Jets
IJS Shokar, RR Kerswell, PH Haynes
Wall shear stress and pressure patterns in aortic stenosis patients with and without aortic dilation captured by high-performance image-based computational fluid dynamics.
H Zolfaghari, M Andiapen, A Baumbach, A Mathur, RR Kerswell
– PLoS Comput. Biol.
polymeric diffusive instability leading to elastic turbulence in plane Couette flow
M Beneitez, J Page, RR Kerswell
– Physical Review Fluids
Physics-informed neural network to augment experimental data: an application to stratified flows
L Zhu, X Jiang, A Lefauve, RR Kerswell, PF Linden
Exact coherent structures in two-dimensional turbulence identified with convolutional autoencoders
J Page, J Holey, MP Brenner, RR Kerswell
Long-wave instabilities of sloping stratified exchange flows
L Zhu, A Atoufi, A Lefauve, RR Kerswell, PF Linden
Inertial enhancement of the polymer diffusive instability
MMP Couchman, M Beneitez, J Page, RR Kerswell
Multistability of elasto-inertial two-dimensional channel flow
M Beneitez, J Page, Y Dubief, RR Kerswell
Stratified inclined duct: direct numerical simulations
L Zhu, A Atoufi, A Lefauve, JR Taylor, RR Kerswell, SB Dalziel, GA Lawrence, PF Linden
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Learning Stochastic Dynamics with Probabilistic Neural Networks to study Zonal Jets
I Shokar, P Haynes, R Kerswell
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Research Group

High-Reynolds-Number Fluid Flow




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