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  • 2017- date:  DAMTP,  Cambridge University
  • 1996-2017:  Mathematics,  Bristol University
  • 1992-1996:  Mathematics,  Newcastle University
  • 1992          :  PhD,  MIT


General fluid mechanics: the Navier-Stokes equations (nonlinear dynamics, transition and turbulence); geophysical and astrophysical fluid mechanics (e.g. convection; stably stratified flows; tidal, precessional and librational motion of planetary interiors and subsurface oceans; accretion disks);

Selected Publications


Learning Stochastic Dynamics with Probabilistic Neural Networks to study Zonal Jets
I Shokar, P Haynes, R Kerswell
Stratified inclined duct: two-layer hydraulics and instabilities
A Atoufi, L Zhu, A Lefauve, JR Taylor, RR Kerswell, SB Dalziel, GA Lawrence, PF Linden
Stratified inclined duct: direct numerical simulations
L Zhu, A Atoufi, A Lefauve, JR Taylor, RR Kerswell, SB Dalziel, GA Lawrence, PF Linden
Improved assessment of the statistical stability of turbulent flows using extended Orr–Sommerfeld stability analysis
VK Markeviciute, RR Kerswell
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Recurrent flow patterns as a basis for turbulence: predicting statistics from structures
J Page, P Norgaard, MP Brenner, RR Kerswell
Finite-amplitude elastic waves in viscoelastic channel flow from large to zero Reynolds number
G Buza, M Beneitez, J Page, RR Kerswell
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Polymeric diffusive instability leading to elastic turbulence in plane Couette flow
M Beneitez, J Page, RR Kerswell
Wall shear stress and pressure patterns in aortic stenosis patients with and without aortic dilation captured by high-performance image-based computational fluid dynamics
H Zolfaghari, M Andiapen, A Baumbach, A Mathur, RR Kerswell
First coherent structure in elasto-inertial turbulence
Y Dubief, J Page, RR Kerswell, VE Terrapon, V Steinberg
– Physical Review Fluids
Threshold transient growth as a criterion for turbulent mean profiles
VK Markeviciute, RR Kerswell
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Research Group

High-Reynolds-Number Fluid Flow




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