2022-date: PhD in Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics | DAMTP & St. Edmund's College, University of Cambridge.
-Thesis supervisor: Prof. Fernando Quevedo.
2019-2021: MSc in Theoretical Physics | Instituto de Física, UNAM.
-Thesis supervisor: Dr. Saúl Ramos-Sánchez.
2013-2018: BSc in Physics | Facultad de Ciencias, UNAM.
-Thesis supervisor: Dr. Saúl Ramos-Sánchez
Research interest
Mario is a member of the Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics, working under the supervision of Professor Fernando Quevedo. His current research interests include several aspects of cosmology in string theory. In particular, he is interested in the implications of the so-called moduli fields, which are the most generic fields in string compactifications and may dominate the energy density of the universe in an epoch after the cosmological inflation. He is currently being jointly supported by CONACyT and Cambridge Trust.
- M. Cicoli, C. Hugues, F. Marino, F. Quevedo, M. Ramos-Hamud, A. Rakin & G. Villa. (2024). Back to the origins of brane-antibrane inflation. (arXiv:2410.00097)
- Chen, M. C., Knapp–Pérez, V., Ramos–Hamud, M., Ramos–Sánchez, S., Ratz, M., & Shukla, S. (2021). Quasi–eclectic modular flavor symmetries. Physics Letters B, 136843. (arXiv: 2108.02240)
Talks given
- Quasi-Eclectic Modular Flavour Symmetries, Mexicuerdas 2021,ICN-UNAM (virtual), December 2021.
- The Flavour of String Theory, The 26th International Symposium on Particles Strings & Cosmology (PASCOS 2021), IBS Centre for Theoretical Physics (virtual), June 2021.
- Flavour and Modular Symmetries in String Theory, Student Seminar, BUAP (virtual), May 2021.
- Possible Issues of Eclectic Flavour Groups, String Theory Group Seminar, Technische Universität München (virtual), January 2021.
- String Cosmology: Moduli Stars, Students Seminar,ICF-UNAM (virtual), August 2020.
- String Theory, Cosmology and Particles, Open Day,IF-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico, November 2019.
- The Inflationary Universe and String Theory, Relativity and Cosmology Colloquium, ICN-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico, November 2019.
- Among Fields, Particles and Strings, Open Day, IF-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico, November 2018.
- S3 Flavour Symmetry in Neutrino Sector, Colloquiums of Physics, FC-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico, April 2018.
- Among Fields, Particles and Strings, Open Day,IF-UNAM, Mexico City, Mexico, November 2017.
- Flavour Symmetries and Phenomenology of Particles, I Mesoamerican School on Modern Mathematics in Theoretical Physics, MCTP, Chiapas, Mexico, June 2017.
Work experience
Mathematical Tripos | DAMTP | University of Cambridge
- Supervisor | Part II Statistical Physics (January 2023- April 2023)
- Supervisor | Part II Cosmology (October 2022-January 2023)
School of Sciences | Department of Physics | UNAM
- Teacher assistant | Relativity (September 2021-January 2022)
- Teacher assistant | Advanced Classical Mechanics (February 2020-June 2021)
- Teacher assistant | Modern Physics (August 2019-December 2019)
- Teacher assistant | Electromagnetism (February 2019-June 2019)
- Teacher assistant | Quantum Field Theory (August 2018-December 2018)
- Teacher assistant | Relativity (February 2018-June 2018)
- Teacher assistant | Modern Physics (August 2017-December 2017)