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Theoretical High Energy Particle Physics Group


  • 2017-2020: Ph.D. in Physics, Technical University of Munich (Germany)
  • 2014-2016: Master’s Degree in Physics at Università “La Sapienza” Roma (Italy)
  • 2011-2014: Bachelor’s Degree in Physics at Università degli Studi di Perugia (Italy)

Academic Positions

  • 2023-present: Research Associate, DAMTP, University of Cambridge (UK)
  • 2020-2023: Postdoc, University of Siegen (Germany)

Extended Research Stays

  • Nov-Dec 2022: Visiting Scholar, University of California San Diego (United States)
  • Oct 2022: Short-term Visitor, CERN (Switzerland)
  • Sep-Oct 2019: Visiting Scholar, Kyoto University (Japan)


Nico Gubernari is a member of the Theoretical Physics High Energy Physics Group at DAMTP and The Cambridge Pheno Working Group at the Cavendish Laboratory. His main interest is particle physics, with particular emphasis on flavour physics and QCD. Nico Gubernari's work focuses on the theoretical prediction of hadronic matrix elements and flavour observables, together with their phenomenological implications in the Standard Model and beyond.


Nico Gubernari's publications can be found on INSPIRE-HEP.


Non-factorisable contributions of strong-penguin operators in Λ b → Λ ℓ + ℓ − decays
T Feldmann, N Gubernari
– Journal of High Energy Physics

Research Group

High Energy Physics




01223 764250

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