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Theoretical High Energy Particle Physics Group

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  • Currently displaying 81 - 100 of 2931 publications
Near-Extremal Limits of Warped Black Holes
A Aggarwal, A Castro, S Detournay, B Mühlmann
A Stationary Black Hole Must be Axisymmetric in Effective Field Theory
S Hollands, A Ishibashi, HS Reall
– Communications in Mathematical Physics
The Rumble in the Meson: a leptoquark versus a Z′ to fit b → sμ+μ− anomalies including 2022 LHCb $ {R}_{K^{\left(\ast \right)}} $ measurements
B Allanach, J Davighi
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Coupling Fields to 3D Quantum Gravity via Chern-Simons Theory
A Castro, I Coman, JR Fliss, C Zukowski
Black hole superradiant instability for massive spin-2 fields
OJC Dias, G Lingetti, P Pani, JE Santos
Flavonstrahlung in the B 3 − L 2 Z′ model at current and future colliders
B Allanach, E Loisa
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Creases, corners and caustics: properties of non-smooth structures on black hole horizons
M Gadioux, HS Reall
Parton distributions with scale uncertainties: a Monte Carlo sampling approach
Z Kassabov, M Ubiali, C Voisey
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Towards a Muon Collider
C Accettura, D Adams, R Agarwal, C Ahdida, C Aimè, N Amapane, D Amorim, P Andreetto, F Anulli, R Appleby, A Apresyan, A Apyan, S Arsenyev, P Asadi, MA Mahmoud, A Azatov, J Back, L Balconi, L Bandiera, R Barlow et al.
Static Black Binaries in de Sitter
OJC Dias, GW Gibbons, JE Santos, B Way
Extremal Kerr black holes as amplifiers of new physics
GT Horowitz, M Kolanowski, GN Remmen, JE Santos
Cauchy slice holography: a new AdS/CFT dictionary
G Araujo-Regado, R Khan, AC Wall
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Conformal Quantum Mechanics, Holomorphic Factorisation, and Ultra-Spinning Black Holes
N Dorey, R Mouland
Keeping matter in the loop in dS$_3$ quantum gravity
A Castro, I Coman, JR Fliss, C Zukowski
A deformed IR: a new IR fixed point for four-dimensional holographic theories
GT Horowitz, M Kolanowski, JE Santos
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Gregory-Laflamme and superradiance encounter black resonator strings
ÓJC Dias, T Ishii, K Murata, JE Santos, B Way
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Screened scalar fields in hydrogen and muonium
P Brax, AC Davis, B Elder
– Physical Review D
Parity violation in the scalar trispectrum: no-go theorems and yes-go examples
G Cabass, S Jazayeri, E Pajer, D Stefanyszyn
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Almost all extremal black holes in AdS are singular
GT Horowitz, M Kolanowski, JE Santos
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Gregory-Laflamme encounters Superradiance
ÓJC Dias, T Ishii, K Murata, JE Santos, B Way
– Journal of High Energy Physics