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Theoretical High Energy Particle Physics Group

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  • Currently displaying 981 - 1000 of 2797 publications
Precise determinations of the decay constants of B and D mesons
H Na, C Monahan, C Davies, E Follana, R Horgan, P Lepage, J Shigemitsu
– Proceedings of Science
Part F130497,
Remarks on exact RG equations
H Osborn, DE Twigg
– Annals of Physics
From strings to superstrings: A personal perspective
MB Green
Form factors for Λb → Λ transitions from lattice QCD
W Detmold, CJD Lin, S Meinel, M Wingate
– Proceedings of Science
Part F130497,
Abelian vortices from sinh-Gordon and Tzitzeica equations
M Dunajski
– Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Linear growth of structure in the symmetron model
P Brax, C van de Bruck, AC Davis, BJ Li, B Schmauch, DJ Shaw
– Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Benchmark models, planes, lines and points for future SUSY searches at the LHC
SS Abdussalam, BC Allanach, HK Dreiner, J Ellis, U Ellwanger, J Gunion, S Heinemeyer, M Krämer, M Mangano, KA Olive, S Rogerson, L Roszkowski, M Schlaffer, G Weiglein
– European Physical Journal C
Benchmark models, planes, lines and points for future SUSY searches at the LHC
SS AbdusSalam, BC Allanach, HK Dreiner, J Ellis, U Ellwanger, J Gunion, S Heinemeyer, M Kramer, M Mangano, KA Olive, S Rogerson, L Roszkowski, M Schlaffer, G Weiglein
– The European Physical Journal C
ARTN 1835
Elastic Scattering at the LHC
A Donnachie, PV Landshoff
Calculation of the One W Loop $H \to γγ$ Decay Amplitude with a Lattice Regulator
F Bursa, A Cherman, TC Hammant, RR Horgan, M Wingate
– Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Nucleon and Roper electromagnetic elastic and transition form factors
DJ Wilson, IC Cloet, L Chang, CD Roberts
Are the dressed gluon and ghost propagators in the Landau gauge presently determined in the confinement regime of QCD? (vol 84, 094028, 2011)
MR Pennington, DJ Wilson
– Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Boundary terms in generalized geometry and doubled field theory
DS Berman, ET Musaev, MJ Perry
– Physics Letters B
Descent Equations for Superamplitudes
DB Skinner, M Bullimore
Chameleon gravity, electrostatics, and kinematics in the outer galaxy
R Pourhasan, N Afshordi, RB Mann, AC Davis
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Parton distributions: Determining probabilities in a space of functions
RD Ball, V Bertone, F Cerutti, L Del Debbio, S Forte, A Guffanti, JI Latorre, J Rojo, M Ubiali
– Proceedings of the PHYSTAT 2011 Workshop on Statistical Issues Related to Discovery Claims in Search Experiments and Unfolding
Boundary terms in generalized geometry and doubled field theory
DS Berman, ET Musaev, MJ Perry
– Physics Letters B
Vertex sensitivity in the schwinger-dyson equations of QCD
DJ Wilson, MR Pennington
– Proceedings of Science
Using a new smearing technique to find moments of the quark distribution amplitude of the pion
HLL Roberts, D Richards, C Thomas
– AIP Conference Proceedings
On asymptotic stability of solitons in a nonlinear schrödinger equation
K Alexander, E Kopylova, D Stuart
– Communications on Pure & Applied Analysis