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Theoretical High Energy Particle Physics Group

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  • Currently displaying 981 - 1000 of 2799 publications
Precise determinations of the decay constants of B and D mesons
H Na, C Monahan, C Davies, E Follana, R Horgan, P Lepage, J Shigemitsu
– Proceedings of Science
Part F130497,
Matching heavy-light currents with NRQCD and HISQ quarks
C Monahan, C Davies, R Horgan, GP Lepage, H Na, J Shigemitsu
– Proceedings of Science
Part F130497,
Radiative improvement of spin and darwin terms in the NRQCD action
TC Hammant, AG Hart, GM Von Hippel, RR Horgan, CJ Monahan
– Proceedings of Science
Part F130497,
From strings to superstrings: a personal perspective
MB Green
Form factors for Λb → Λ transitions from lattice QCD
W Detmold, CJD Lin, S Meinel, M Wingate
– Proceedings of Science
Part F130497,
Abelian vortices from sinh-Gordon and Tzitzeica equations
M Dunajski
– Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Linear growth of structure in the symmetron model
P Brax, C van de Bruck, AC Davis, BJ Li, B Schmauch, DJ Shaw
– Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Benchmark models, planes, lines and points for future SUSY searches at the LHC
SS Abdussalam, BC Allanach, HK Dreiner, J Ellis, U Ellwanger, J Gunion, S Heinemeyer, M Krämer, M Mangano, KA Olive, S Rogerson, L Roszkowski, M Schlaffer, G Weiglein
– European Physical Journal C
Benchmark models, planes, lines and points for future SUSY searches at the LHC
SS AbdusSalam, BC Allanach, HK Dreiner, J Ellis, U Ellwanger, J Gunion, S Heinemeyer, M Kramer, M Mangano, KA Olive, S Rogerson, L Roszkowski, M Schlaffer, G Weiglein
– The European Physical Journal C
Elastic Scattering at the LHC
A Donnachie, PV Landshoff
Nucleon and Roper electromagnetic elastic and transition form factors
DJ Wilson, IC Cloet, L Chang, CD Roberts
Calculation of the One W Loop $H \to γγ$ Decay Amplitude with a Lattice Regulator
F Bursa, A Cherman, TC Hammant, RR Horgan, M Wingate
– Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Are the dressed gluon and ghost propagators in the Landau gauge presently determined in the confinement regime of QCD? (vol 84, 094028, 2011)
MR Pennington, DJ Wilson
– Physical Review D - Particles, Fields, Gravitation and Cosmology
Boundary terms in generalized geometry and doubled field theory
DS Berman, ET Musaev, MJ Perry
– Physics Letters B
Chameleon gravity, electrostatics, and kinematics in the outer galaxy
R Pourhasan, N Afshordi, RB Mann, AC Davis
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Descent Equations for Superamplitudes
DB Skinner, M Bullimore
A lattice calculation of B → K(*) form factors
Z Liu, S Meinel, A Hart, RR Horgan, EH Müller, M Wingate
– Proceedings of the 6th International Workshop on the CKM Unitarity Triangle, CKM 2010
Boundary terms in generalized geometry and doubled field theory
DS Berman, ET Musaev, MJ Perry
– Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
Vertex sensitivity in the schwinger-dyson equations of QCD
DJ Wilson, MR Pennington
– Proceedings of Science
Using a New Smearing Technique to Find Moments of the Quark Distribution Amplitude of the Pion
HLL Roberts, D Richards, C Thomas
– AIP Conference Proceedings