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Theoretical High Energy Particle Physics Group

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  • Currently displaying 1001 - 1020 of 2941 publications
Universal properties and the first law of black hole inner mechanics
A Castro, MJ Rodriguez
On brane back-reaction and de Sitter solutions in higher-dimensional supergravity
CP Burgess, A Maharana, L Van Nierop, AA Nizami, F Quevedo
– Journal of High Energy Physics
The SM and NLO Multileg and SM MC Working Groups: Summary Report
JA Maestre, S Alioli, JR Andersen, RD Ball, A Buckley, M Cacciari, F Campanario, N Chanon, G Chachamis, V Ciulli, F Cossutti, G Cullen, A Denner, S Dittmaier, J Fleischer, R Frederix, S Frixione, J Gao, L Garren, S Gascon-Shotkin et al.
– Proceedings of 6th Les Houches Workshop, France, June 8-26, 2009
Abelian vortices from sinh-Gordon and Tzitzeica equations
M Dunajski
– Physics Letters, Section B: Nuclear, Elementary Particle and High-Energy Physics
The Upsilon spectrum and the determination of the lattice spacing from lattice QCD including charm quarks in the sea
RJ Dowdall, B Colquhoun, JO Daldrop, CTH Davies, ID Kendall, E Follana, TC Hammant, RR Horgan, GP Lepage, CJ Monahan, EH Muller
– Phycical Review D
Structure formation in the symmetron model
AC Davis, B Li, DF Mota, HA Winther
– Astrophysical Journal
Les Houches 2011: Physics at TeV Colliders New Physics Working Group Report
G Brooijmans, B Gripaios, F Moortgat, J Santiago, P Skands, DA Vásquez, BC Allanach, A Alloul, A Arbey, A Azatov, H Baer, C Balázs, A Barr, L Basso, M Battaglia, P Bechtle, G Bélanger, A Belyaev, K Benslama, L Bergström et al.
Structure formation in the symmetron model
AC Davis, BJ Li, DF Mota, HA Winther
– The Astrophysical Journal
Investigation of rainbow-ladder truncation for excited and exotic mesons
SX Qin, L Chang, YX Liu, CD Roberts, DJ Wilson
– Physical Review C
GL(2, ℝ) structures, G 2 geometry and twistor theory
M Dunajski, M Godliński
– Quarterly Journal of Mathematics
Computation of neutrino masses in R-parity violating supersymmetry: SOFTSUSY3.2
BC Allanach, CH Kom, M Hanussek
– Comput. Phys. Commun.
Hide and Seek With Natural Supersymmetry at the LHC
BC Allanach, B Gripaios
– Journal of High Energy Physics
The importance of slow-roll corrections during multi-field inflation
A Avgoustidis, S Cremonini, AC Davis, RH Ribeiro, K Turzyski, S Watson
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Nucleon and Roper electromagnetic elastic and transition form factors
DJ Wilson, IC Cloët, L Chang, CD Roberts
– Physical Review C
Duality invariant actions and generalised geometry
DS Berman, H Godazgar, MJ Perry, P West
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Reweighting and unweighting of parton distributions and the LHC W lepton asymmetry data
RD Ball, V Bertone, F Cerutti, L Del Debbio, S Forte, A Guffanti, NP Hartland, JI Latorre, J Rojo, M Ubiali
– Nuclear Physics B
Conical defects in higher spin theories
A Castro, R Gopakumar, M Gutperle, J Raeymaekers
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Reweighting NNPDFs: The W lepton asymmetry (vol 849, pg 112, 2011)
RD Ball, V Bertone, F Cerutti, L Del Debbio, S Forte, A Guffanti, JI Latorre, J Rojo, M Ubiali
– Nuclear Physics B
Unitarity Bounds in AdS_3 Higher Spin Gravity
A Castro, E Hijano, A Lepage-Jutier
Stochastic processes, slaves and supersymmetry
IT Drummond, RR Horgan
– Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical