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Theoretical High Energy Particle Physics Group

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  • Currently displaying 1 - 20 of 2891 publications
$D_1$ and $D_2$ resonances in coupled-channel scattering amplitudes from lattice QCD
N Lang, DJ Wilson
Symmetric Product Orbifold Universality and the Mirage of an Emergent Spacetime
A Belin, S Bintanja, A Castro, W Knop
Highly excited B, Bs and Bc meson spectroscopy from lattice QCD
L Gayer, SM Ryan, DJ Wilson
– Journal of High Energy Physics
More varieties of 4-d gauge theories: product representations
B Gripaios, KLN Nguyen
FCC-ee Sensitivity to Flavor-Agnostic Standard Model Effective Field Theory Operators
B Allanach, E Loisa
Cosmological cutting rules for Bogoliubov initial states
D Ghosh, E Pajer, F Ullah
– SciPost Physics
Spinning up the spool: massive spinning fields in 3d quantum gravity
R Bourne, A Castro, JR Fliss
– Journal of Physics A: Mathematical and Theoretical
A third law of black hole mechanics for supersymmetric black holes and a quasi-local mass-charge inequality
HS Reall
– Physical Review D
CMB implications of multi-field axio-dilaton cosmology
A Smith, M Mylova, P Brax, C van de Bruck, CP Burgess, AC Davis
– Journal of Cosmology and Astroparticle Physics
Revisiting extremal couplings in AdS/CFT
A Castro, PJ Martinez
– Journal of High Energy Physics
An Open Effective Field Theory for light in a medium
SA Salcedo, T Colas, E Pajer
Symbolic regression for precision LHC physics
M Morales-Alvarado, D Conde, J Bendavid, V Sanz, M Ubiali
The UV Sensitivity of Axion Monodromy Inflation
E Pajer, D-G Wang, B Zhang
Varieties of four-dimensional gauge theories
B Gripaios, KLN Nguyen
– Journal of High Energy Physics
Varieties of four-dimensional gauge theories
B Gripaios, K Le Nguyen Nguyen
– Journal of High Energy Physics (JHEP)
The merger of a black hole with a cosmological horizon
M Gadioux, H Wang
Impact of beam asymmetries at the Future Circular Collider e+e-
P Kicsiny, X Buffat, K Le Nguyen Nguyen, T Pieloni, M Seidel
– Physical Review Accelerators and Beams
Constraints on the malaphoric $B_3-L_2$ model from di-lepton resonance searches at the LHC
B Allanach
A phenomenological analysis of LHC neutrino scattering at NLO accuracy matched to parton showers
M van Beekveld, S Ferrario Ravasio, E Groenendijk, P Krack, J Rojo, V Schütze Sánchez
– The European Physical Journal C
Smooth extremal horizons are the exception, not the rule
GT Horowitz, JE Santos