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I am an EPSRC Early Career Research Fellow in the Waves group.

My research focusses on analytic prediction of the noise generated by aerodynamic structures in flow, with a view to developing novel surface treatments which permit noise control. Such treatments may include adaptations to the physical geometry of the structure such as serrations, or variation of the material properties of the structure by using specially designed acoustic metamaterials.

I currently supervise four of PhD students who work on different aspects of noise control analytically and with low-order numerical models.


A mathematical model for the interaction of anisotropic turbulence with a rigid leading edge
ADG Hales, LJ Ayton, C Jiang, A Mahgoub, R Kisler, R Dixon, C De Silva, D Moreau, C Doolan
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Pressure Gradient Effects on Boundary Layer Superstructures
H Butt, S Damani, S Chaware, M Szőke, S Srivastava, TK Lowe, W Devenport, A Hales, M Colbrook, LJ Ayton
– AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum
Residual dynamic mode decomposition: Robust and verified Koopmanism
MJ Colbrook, LJ Ayton, M Szoke
– CoRR
Steady aerodynamics of airfoils with porosity gradients with nonlinear boundary conditions
R Boitte, R Hajian, LJ Ayton
– AIAA Science and Technology Forum and Exposition, AIAA SciTech Forum 2022
Downstream porosity for the reduction of turbulence–aerofoil interaction noise
S Palleja-Cabre, P Chaitanya, P Joseph, JW Kim, MJ Priddin, LJ Ayton, TF Geyer, TP Chong
– Journal of Sound and Vibration
Homogenisation of perforated plates
SB Naqvi, LJ Ayton
– 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics 2022 Conference
Reduction of Leading-Edge Noise by Tailored Turbulence Anisotropy
ADG Hales, LJ Ayton, R Kisler, A Mahgoub, C Jiang, R Dixon, C de Silva, D Moreau, C Doolan
– 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics 2022 Conference
Residual Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Robust and verified Koopmanism
MJ Colbrook, LJ Ayton, M Szőke
A contour method for time-fractional PDEs and an application to fractional viscoelastic beam equations
MJ Colbrook, LJ Ayton
– Journal of Computational Physics
On the Reductions of Airfoil Broadband Noise through Sinusoidal Trailing-Edge Serrations
SK Singh, M Garg, S Narayanan, L Ayton, P Chaitanya
– Journal of Aerospace Engineering
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Research Group

Waves Group




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