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  • Currently displaying 1 - 20 of 226 publications
A mathematical model for the interaction of anisotropic turbulence with porous surfaces
ADG Hales, LJ Ayton, AO Wills, C Jiang, C De Silva, D Moreau, C Doolan
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Acoustic wave diffraction by a quadrant of sound-soft scatterers
M Nethercote, A Kisil, R Assier
Metamaterial applications of Tmatsolver, an easy-to-use software for simulating multiple wave scattering in two dimensions
SC Hawkins, LG Bennetts, MA Nethercote, MA Peter, D Peterseim, HJ Putley, B Verfürth
– Proceedings of the Royal Society A: Mathematical, Physical and Engineering Sciences
Reconstruction of rough surfaces from a single receiver at grazing angle
Y Chen, M Spivack, O Rath Spivack
– IET Science, Measurement and Technology
Diffraction of acoustic waves by multiple semi-infinite arraysa)
MA Nethercote, AV Kisil, RC Assier
– J Acoust Soc Am
A mathematical model for the interaction of anisotropic turbulence with a rigid leading edge
ADG Hales, LJ Ayton, C Jiang, A Mahgoub, R Kisler, R Dixon, C De Silva, D Moreau, C Doolan
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Diffraction of acoustic waves by multiple semi-infinite arrays
M Nethercote, A Kisil, R Assier
Pressure Gradient Effects on Boundary Layer Superstructures
H Butt, S Damani, S Chaware, M Szőke, S Srivastava, TK Lowe, W Devenport, A Hales, M Colbrook, LJ Ayton
– AIAA AVIATION 2023 Forum
Residual Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Robust and verified Koopmanism.
MJ Colbrook, LJ Ayton, M Szoke
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Steady aerodynamics of airfoils with porosity gradients with nonlinear boundary conditions
R Boitte, R Hajian, LJ Ayton
– AIAA SCITECH 2022 Forum
Downstream porosity for the reduction of turbulence–aerofoil interaction noise
S Palleja-Cabre, P Chaitanya, P Joseph, JW Kim, MJ Priddin, LJ Ayton, TF Geyer, TP Chong
– Journal of Sound and Vibration
Array scattering resonance in the context of Foldy’s approximation
MA Nethercote, AV Kisil, I Thompson, RC Assier
– Proceedings of the Royal Society A
Transition from equatorial to whole-shell buckling in embedded spherical shells under axisymmetric far-field loading
GW Jones, MJA Smith, M Thorpe, ID Abrahams, WJ Parnell
– International Journal of Solids and Structures
Asymptotics of the meta-atom: plane wave scattering by a single Helmholtz resonator.
MJA Smith, PA Cotterill, D Nigro, WJ Parnell, ID Abrahams
– Philosophical transactions. Series A, Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences
Tailored acoustic metamaterials. Part II. Extremely thick-walled Helmholtz resonator arrays.
MJA Smith, ID Abrahams
– Proceedings. Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences
Tailored acoustic metamaterials. Part I. Thin- and thick-walled Helmholtz resonator arrays
MJA Smith, ID Abrahams
– Proceedings. Mathematical, physical, and engineering sciences
Reduction of Leading-Edge Noise by Tailored Turbulence Anisotropy
ADG Hales, LJ Ayton, R Kisler, A Mahgoub, C Jiang, R Dixon, C de Silva, D Moreau, C Doolan
– 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics 2022 Conference
Homogenisation of perforated plates
SB Naqvi, LJ Ayton
– 28th AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics 2022 Conference
Diffraction of Acoustic Waves by a Wedge of Point Scatterers
MA Nethercote, AV Kisil, RC Assier
– SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics
Residual Dynamic Mode Decomposition: Robust and verified Koopmanism
MJ Colbrook, LJ Ayton, M Szőke