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I am an EPSRC Early Career Research Fellow in the Waves group.

My research focusses on analytic prediction of the noise generated by aerodynamic structures in flow, with a view to developing novel surface treatments which permit noise control. Such treatments may include adaptations to the physical geometry of the structure such as serrations, or variation of the material properties of the structure by using specially designed acoustic metamaterials.

I currently supervise four of PhD students who work on different aspects of noise control analytically and with low-order numerical models.


An analytic solution for gust-aerofoil interaction noise for plates with leading-edge serrations
LJ Ayton
– 23rd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2017
The importance of the unsteady Kutta condition when modelling gust–aerofoil interaction
LJ Ayton, JR Gill, N Peake
– Journal of Sound and Vibration
An analytic solution for gust-aerofoil interaction noise including effects of geometry
LJ Ayton
– IMA Journal of Applied Mathematics
Interaction of turbulence with the leading-edge stagnation point of a thin aerofoil
LJ Ayton, N Peake
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
The effects of poroelastic blade extensions on scattered noise
LJ Ayton
– 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2016
The effects of poroelastic blade extensions on scattered noise
LJ Ayton
– 22nd AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference, 2016
Acoustic scattering by a finite rigid plate with a poroelastic extension
LJ Ayton
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Comparison of Analytical, Numerical, and Experimental Results for Unsteady Aerofoil Interaction Noise
LJ Ayton, J Gill, N Peake
– 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
On high-frequency sound generated by gust–aerofoil interaction in shear flow
LJ Ayton, N Peake
– Journal of Fluid Mechanics
Comparison of analytical, numerical, and experimental results for unsteady aerofoil interaction noise
LJ Ayton, J Gill, N Peake
– 21st AIAA/CEAS Aeroacoustics Conference
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Research Group

Waves Group




01223 760452