Caroline Alexander | University of Central Lancashire | |
Vincenzo Andretta | Istituto Nazionale di Astrofisica | |
Nigel Badnell | University of Strathclyde | |
Simon Bandler | NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center | |
Dipankar Banerjee | Indian Institute of Astrophysics | |
Jay Bookbinder | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | |
Céline Boutry | Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale | |
Stephen Bradshaw | NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center | |
Barbara Bromage | University of Central Lancashire | |
Gordon Bromage | University of Central Lancashire | |
Len Culhane | UCL-Mullard Space Science Lab | |
Giulio Del Zanna | University of Cambridge | |
Ken Dere | George Mason University | |
Laurent Dolla | Royal Observatory of Belgium |  |
George Doschek | Naval Research Lab |  |
Jacques Dubau | Observatoire de Paris | |
Elena Dzifcakova | Comenius University | |
Brian Fawcett | Retired from Rutherford Appleton Lab | |
Lyndsay Fletcher | University of Glasgow | |
Alan Gabriel | Institut d'Astrophyisique Spatiale | |
Leon Golub | Harvard-Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | |
Costis Gontikakis | Academy of Athens | |
David Graham | University of Glasgow | |
Stanislav Gunar | Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences | |
Michael Hahn | Columbia University | |
Louise Harra | UCL - Mullard Space Science Lab | |
Richard Harrison | Rutherford Appleton Lab | |
Petr Heinzel | Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences | |
Alan Hood | University of St. Andrews | |
Zhenghua Huang | Armagh Observatory | |
Hugh Hudson | University of California, Berkeley | |
Hiroaki Isobe | Kyoto University | |
Rajmal Jain | Physical Research Laboratory |
Carole Jordan | University of Oxford | |
Maria Katsova | Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism,Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation | |
Jim Klimchuk | NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center | |
Alena Kulinova | Astronomical Institute of the Czech Academy of Sciences | |
Nicolas Labrosse | University of Glasgow | |
Enrico Landi | Naval Research Lab | |
Kyoung-Sun Lee | Kyung Hee University | |
Guiyun Liang | University of Strathclyde | |
Michael Livshits | Pushkov Institute of Terrestrial Magnetism,Ionosphere and Radio Wave Propagation | |
Helen Mason | University of Cambridge | |
Claudio Mendoza | Inst Venezolano de Investigaciones Científica | |
Urmila Mitra-Kraev | University of Cambridge | |
Fana Mulu-Moore | Alabama A & M University | |
Brendan O'Dwyer | University of Cambridge | |
Susanna Parenti | Royal Observatory of Belgium | |
Panagiota Petkaki | University of Cambridge | |
Kenneth Phillips | UCL - Mullard Space Science Lab | |
Eric Priest | University of St Andrews | |
Fabio Reale | Università di Palermo | |
Daniel Wolf Savin | Columbia University | |
Randall Smith | Harvard Smithsonian Center for Astrophysics | |
Daniele Spadaro | Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania | |
Peter Storey | University College London | |
Hugh Summers | University of Strathclyde | |
Roberto Susino | Osservatorio Astrofisico di Catania | |
Sergio Terzo | Università di Palermo | |
Durgesh Tripathi | University of Cambridge | |
Jean-Claude Vial | Institut d'Astrophysique Spatiale | |
Nicholeen Viall | NASA - Goddard Space Flight Center | |
Robert Walsh | University of Central Lancashire | |
Tetsuya Watanabe | National Astronomical Observatory of Japan | |
Nigel Weiss | University of Cambridge | |
Amy Winebarger | Alabama A & M University | |
Peter Young | Naval Research Lab | |
Valentina Zharkova | University of Bradford | |