University of Cambridge
Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics |
Research interests: Quantum Field Theory
Conformal Field Theory Partial Lecture Notes
Symmetries & Particle Physics Problems Examples 1 Examples 2 Examples 3 Examples 4
Advanced Quantum Field Theory Lecture Notes
AQFT Problems AQFT Examples 1 AQFT Examples 2 AQFT Examples 3 AQFT Examples 4
Standard Model Problems Examples 1 Examples 2 Examples 3 Examples 4
Transcript of 1993 Dirac Lecture by Sidney Coleman "Quantum Mechanics With The Gloves Off" here
Some old papers not available on the Archive which may be of interest still.
Analogs of the c-theorem for four dimensional renormalisable field
published in Nuclear Physics B343, 647-688 (1990), available here
Weyl consistency conditions and a local renormalisation group equation for
general renormalisable theories
published in Nuclear Physics B363, 486-526 (1991), available here
Local renormalization group equations in quantum field theory
Proceedings of the XXV international symposium, Arenshoop, on the
theory of elementary particles, Desy preprint 1992, p 182-192, and also in
Renormalization Group '91, World Scientific, Singapore (1992), p 128-138,
available here
Never completed paper on three dimensional superconformal symmetry
and also on conformal symmetry and exact RG equations here
Address: DAMTP,
Centre for Mathematical Sciences,
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Cambridge CB3 0WA
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