The scientific organization of the FoCM’11 conference is administered by the Board of Directors of the Society of FoCM (see focm.net) together with the Local Organizing Committee. The workshop topics and the organizers were selected by the Workshop Committee. After the workshop organizers have been selected, members of the Board of Directors, together with the workshop organizers, have nominated names for the plenary speakers, and a smaller committee, the Plenary Speakers Committee, choose the plenary speakers among the nominated names. There is also a Funding Committee working on finding sponsors for the conference.
Workshop Committee
Arieh Iserles University of Cambridge, Chair Felipe Cucker City University, Hong Kong Elizabeth Mansfield University of Kent, Canterbury Luis Pardo Universidad de Cantabria Ágnes Szántó North Carolina State University.
Plenary Speakers Committee
Mike Shub University of Toronto, Chair Felipe Cucker City University, Hong Kong Wolfgang Dahmen RWTH Aachen Arieh Iserles University of Cambridge Teresa Krick Universidad de Buenos Aires Peter Olver University of Minnesota Lajos Rónyai SZTAKI & BME Endre Süli Oxford University Mike Todd Cornell University
Funding Committee
Felipe Cucker City University, Hong Kong Arieh Iserles University of Cambridge Hans Munthe-Kaas University of Bergen Mike Todd Cornell University Mike Shub University of Toronto Michael Singer North Carolina State University Endre Süli Oxford University Ágnes Szántó North Carolina State University
Local Organizing Committee
Gusztáv Hencsey
Local chair. Head of the Conferences Department at the Computer and Automation Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. See conferences.hu
Lajos Rónyai
Local scientific chair and advisor. Computer and Automation Institute of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences and Budapest University of Technology and Economics.
Ágnes Szántó
Local coordinator. North Carolina State University