Thomas C. Day, Stephanie S.M.H. Höhn, Seyed A. Zamani-Dahaj, David Yanni, Anthony Burnetti, Jennifer Pentz, Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith, Hugo Wioland, Hannah R. Sleath, William C. Ratcliff, Raymond E. Goldstein, and Peter J. Yunker.
Cellular Organization in Lab-Evolved and Extant Multicellular Species Obeys a Maximum Entropy Law.
eLife 11, e72707 (2022)
Daniele Agostinelli, Robert Cerbino, Juan C. Del Alamo, Antonio DeSimone, S.M.H. Höhn, Cristian Micheletti, Giovanni Noselli, Eran Sharon and Julia Yeomans.
MicroMotility: state of the art, recent accomplishments and perspectives on the mathematical modeling of bio-motility at microscopic scales.
Mathematics in Engineering 2(2): 230 (2020).
Pierre A. Haas, Stephanie S.M.H. Höhn, Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith, Julius B. Kirkegaard and Raymond E. Goldstein.
The noisy basis of morphogenesis: Mechanisms and mechanics of cell sheet folding inferred from developmental variability.
PLOS Biology 16 (7): e2005536 (2018).
Stephanie S.M.H. Höhn and Armin Hallmann.
Distinct shape-shifting regimes of bowl-shaped cell sheets - embryonic inversion in the multicellular green alga Pleodorina.
BMC Developmental Biology 16: 35 (2016).
See also comment on this article.
Stephanie S.M.H. Höhn, Aurelia R. Honerkamp-Smith, Pierre A. Haas, Philipp Khuc Trong, and Raymond E. Goldstein.
Dynamics of a Volvox Embryo Turning Itself Inside Out.
Physical Review Letters 114, 178101 (2015). [pdf]
See also Physics
Viewpoint by A. Boudaoud, Physics, 8, 39 (2015). [pdf]
and video in the New York Times.
Stephanie S.M.H. Höhn and Armin Hallmann.
There is more than one way to turn a spherical cellular monolayer inside out: type B embryo inversion in Volvox globator.
BMC Biology 9: 89 (2011).
See also comment
on this article, BMC Biology, 9: 90 (2015). [pdf]