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Department of Applied Mathematics and Theoretical Physics |
Goldstein LabData Requests(This page is currently under construction). In keeping with the data access policies of the UK Research Councils and other funders, data from our biological physics research papers will be made available freely on this page, and additional information will be provided following all appropriate requests. In the meantime, please contact us directly should you wish to make such a request.MoviesRelated Papers (since 2006)
Ciliary Contact Interactions Dominate Surface Scattering of Swimming Eukaryotes
Meso-scale turbulence in living fluids
Fluctuations, Dynamics,
and the Stretch-Coil Transition of Single Actin Filaments in
Extensional Flows
Emergence of Synchronized Beating
During the Regrowth of Eukaryotic Flagella
Insights into the Evolution of Vitamin
B12 Auxotrophy from Sequenced Algal Genomes
Flagellar Phenotypic Plasticity of Volvocalean Algae
Correlates with Péclet Number
Fluid Dynamics and Noise in
Bacterial Cell-Cell and Cell-Surface Scattering
The Flagellar Photoresponse in Volvox Species (Volvocaceae,
Fluid Velocity Fluctuations in a Suspension
of Swimming Protists
Direct Measurement of the Flow Field
Around Swimming Microorganisms
Fidelity of Adaptive Phototaxis
Cytoplasmic Streaming Enables the
Distribution of Molecules and Vesicles in Large Plant Cells
Measurement of Cytoplasmic Streaming in
Single Plant Cells
Dynamics of Enhanced Tracer Diffusion in
Suspensions of Swimming Eukaryotic Microorganisms
Noise and Synchronization in Pairs of Beating
Eukaryotic Flagella
Chlamydomonas Swims With Two `Gears' in a Eukaryotic
Dancing Volvox: Hydrodynamic Bound States of
Swimming Algae
How to Track Protists in Three Dimensions
Volvox barberi, the Fastest Swimmer of the
Volvocales (Chlorophyceae)
Nature's Microfluidic Transporter: Rotational
Cytoplasmic Streaming at High Péclet Numbers
Microfluidics of Cytoplasmic Streaming and
its Implications for Intracellular Transport |